Don’t Get Blasey-Forded


Since September and the Blaséy-Ford hearings there has been a hush of silence regarding the Me Too Movement. It was as if the Old Boy’s Network gave the Women’s Club a monumental WWF smackdown.

It was their “proper” way of trying to shut women up regarding the bad behavior of men in society. They basically gave men a free pass to disrespect women and not be held accountable.

It appears as if many of the female persuasion have decided to slink away nursing their wounds; at least that is the fantasy of the Old Boy’s Network. I do not think women should let up for one second regarding the nightmares many of us deal with regarding men’s bad behavior.

It behooves politicians to keep women in the dark ages until one of us becomes president then all the fun and games will halt. In the world of male machismo, women will never get justice because it clearly admits the error of men’s ways.

In their warped minds they believe they can do no wrong and we are just bimbos navigating the world. I must say though, it is going to be quite interesting as the new wave of harassment unfolds and men are becoming the primary targets of sexual harassment.

I wonder how will our fearless leaders handle these issues when they are staving off unwanted advances and gestures? Perhaps it will make them more humane and sensitive to the plight of women trying to pull their weight in society yet they are dogged constantly by men who cannot keep a lid on themselves.

The only way real change will occur is if women refuse to be Blasey-Forded. By this I mean don’t allow the opposite sex to make you feel you misread what you thought happened or you were experiencing mental aberrations.

If it did not feel right to you, then chances are it was not right. Speak your truth and keep telling your stories until someone of the male species has the nerve to stand up for the injustices women deal with on a daily basis.

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