That White Bitch!


In the early days of my career when I was not into tanning profusely, due to my diligence and precision regarding my corporate duties I was perceived as the white bitch who ruled with an iron fist.

Although I took my career seriously and tried to obey the guidelines of my job, I also sought to give American minorities opportunities when no one else would. Sadly, they would get their feet in the door, and once settled in they would conduct a hatchet job on my reputation. Hence, the white bitch phrase.

When in work mode I seldom advertise my ethnicity, race or family connections. So most would exclaim I am a mystery or come to their own conclusions about me. Given such freedom of thought people assumed the worst.

They wanted to believe I was a racist, white bitch just being as mean as I wanted to be. They did not know I was being told by my superiors to carry out certain tasks and when I had the autonomy to act differently I did.

At times taking calculated risks to help others up the corporate ladder. Yet, I cannot tell you how many times I had to use my British reserve as I heard fellow employees whisper…”That f**ing white bitch!”

I could have schooled them right then and there but I felt it would not make a difference, because when some people cannot manipulate you their best line of defense is to bring you down with offensive remarks.

In the Millennium I am realizing we are in the midst of a race war. It seems as if while bourgeoise black Americans are inter-marrying Caucasians, there are a group of Caucasians and blacks who are considered “country” who are not too happy about the changing times.

The uncivilized blacks are trying to excommunicate caucasians from industry, while the “red neck” Caucasians are harboring their unconscionable ideas and acts. Perhaps both parties’ ideologies existed way back then but it has only become prominent to me now.

Looking back I could have settled all the drama and irreprehensible behavior by saying, “You may have perceived me as a white bitch, but I am a white, Jamaican bitch to you….BIG DIFFERENCE!”

We are trained and told about decorum in business yet very few exhibit respectful and decent behavior in the throes of competitive negotiations.

When I resorted to the good, old sun to keep my skin, tanned and toned, it was then the fur really started flying because the local gentry got confused and did not know how to act or proceed around me.

The awe was just overwhelming. It even became more comical when I chose to unleash my Jamaican patwah. It was then they wondered what kind of hybrid they were dealing with because after all they had profiled Jamaicans to be a certain way…..Surprise! Surprise! I was the exception to the rule.

#WhatTypeOfBitchAmI #TheWhiteJABITCH

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