Submissive Subjects


If you have been living in the world and America for the past twenty odd years or so you will be inclined to agree with me when I say, “Life in America ain’t what it used to be.”

Take a look around, established businesses have basically evaporated off the face of the earth. Professionalism and a certain code of conduct have become lost virtues. Even the quality of life, goods and merchandises seem inferior due to lack of proper training.

Some people, especially women no longer are holding themselves to the highest standards. Instead they would more likely acquiesce to the highest bidders. It is as if morality is lost and Sodom & Gomorrah is slowly evolving.

Therefore the question has to be asked, “Is the current administration’s kerfuffle really about building a wall for America’s protection?”

The more I ponder upon this subject I am inclined to believe nein! Why? Every political move which has transpired in the past 10 years has only set the country back several decades.

A country which was known for its financial affluence and power is suddenly thrust into a constantly declining economy, an increase in poverty, violence, drugs and debaucheries.

Sadly, it has become the norm to be part of the clandestine society as opposed to standing up for morality and principles. It has become crystal clear the situation of the wall is actually about plummeting the American people further into a hopeless abyss so they will become submissive and subservient to all kinds of BS and indecencies which are rolled out.

At first I did not want to believe it all boiled down to drugs, sex, and rock and roll, but these past few weeks, I kept reading about the increase in infertility in America and how it is costing the country billions of dollars when women do not have babies.

It was then I started connecting the dots and my eureka moment happened. Babies bring money for every economy.  When women want to chase careers instead of babies that is not good for financial markets.

The only way to stop the upward mobility of women is to either eliminate abortion laws and completely obliterate family planning measures. Since the women’s network have been successful at putting the kibosh on the Old Boy’s Network baby making initiatives the next chess move would be to attack industry and finances.

The government of recent years is not about taking the people into the future with prosperous times for all. It is about creating a society of “bastardism” and overpopulation. Just as long as they keep revenue coming in due to baby making.

When they attack the economy from whatever level, they take away financial power and tamper with free will, thus making individuals who are not financially independent more subservient.

Tying up  industry with negotiations which probably will not amount to a hill of beans is not about the wall, it is about “storming the castles”. In other words, declaring war on women’s nethers.

It is no secret, sexual violence against women has been increasing more than ever at times resulting in unwanted pregnancies. As much as these heinous acts have been talked about not much is being done to stop these crimes because money becomes a factor.

Since women have been fighting ferociously to protect their bodies and reproductive systems “the suits” have to find another way to make them more compliant. So they will mess with their jobs, their partners’ careers, anything that will lead them down the garden path of becoming perpetual baby making machines whether or not they want to.

The drama we are viewing every day concerning “Wall Negotiations” is not about security, at least not in the sense we are thinking. It is about generating revenue through population increase, drugs and lewd conduct.

The illusions we are being treated to daily is nothing more than smoke screens eluding us from the truth. The real agenda is to create a communistic government where each household is forced to have at least one child if they want to succeed in life.

“The wall” is only a euphemism for involuntary modification of lifestyles and imposing stringent rules and regulations. It is also about forcing Americans to downsize.

A class war is being purposely created. There will be “The Haves” lording it over the “Have Nots”. If families without children own property, there is a good chance their homes and land will become publicly owned by government. Each citizen or resident will only be given what they believe they deserve for their needs and wants.

If no one creates awareness, a time will come when people will only be paid according to their abilities and need to work. Therefore, if they are single and do not have families to feed they will get lost in the diabolical shuffle.

Nein: German for no.


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