Oh, The Lengths They Will Go


I am convinced it is a mad, mad , world. Although we all know the proper ways to act, the general tone of people today is so bizarre. There is an overall disregard for respecting others, then there are the folks who are hypercritical about everything; and civility as we know it has left the hemisphere.

Seriously, there are days even though I know right from wrong the devil on my shoulder tells me to give back as good as I get when it comes to all the sourness.

My favorite phrase when I speak to friends nowadays is, “What is wrong with people?” Just a few days ago a friend of mine was telling me a story about someone we both know professionally who has done very well for herself in business.

She managed to land herself a job which has given her ultimate visibility, power and fame. But, unfortunately when you end up in the public’s glare that is the time you become the biggest target and foul individual’s imaginary piñata.

Apparently this person at the pinnacle of her career became stricken with a serious illness. Although she had been managing it quite well, in a short space of time she began to deteriorate rapidly.

As my friend was filling me in on all the details of her illness, it was quite shocking to me to hear tales of a relatively young woman having fainting spells and her body suddenly deciding to rebel against her.

All the events sort of caused me to go…”Hmmm.” I could not help but ponder the situation especially since I had crossed paths with the individual from time to time. Then it dawned on me I heard some gibberish through the grapevine the young woman’s husband had been caught up in some vicious rumors concerning another woman.

It was then I connected the dots and the lights came on in my mind. I had figured out what was going on. You see, when women are after your other half they will stoop to any means to accomplish their feat. They will even resort to black magic and white magic. Or they will try to befriend those closest to you to sabotage your life and unleash their evil brand of hocus pocus.

First, they will make acquaintances with your hairdresser, then they will start worming their way through your distant friendships, every area of your life becomes under attack including the beverages you drink and the food you eat.

I am not saying people do not get ill due to natural causes and the winds of time. But, when one begins experiencing a downward spiral with minimal control many times there are dirty hands at work.

We live in a very, covertly, vicious world and when people want your husband, boyfriend or wish to douse your visibility they will attack you and your house every chance they get. Believe me I know first hand.

There was a shiksa who wanted  my guy very badly. There were days when I really wanted to send a message to her saying, “Have at it! If you think he is so easy to deal with, go on and take him ’cause I guarantee you, you will be bringing him back faster than you took him.”

The chick was breaking into my apartment spiking my grooming products with all sorts of harmful chemicals. My hair was falling out in clumps on a daily basis, and I was breaking out in hives all over. My complexion became so dark I thought I was over dosing on the sun.

In reality, the mistress of Satan was tampering with the juices and distilled water in my refrigerator. I was having dizzy spells and would attribute it to missing meals or just being really exhausted. Little did I know she was playing hard ball.

For some reason she wanted my boyfriend and she was willing to end my life to get him. It wasn’t until I went to visit a relative of mine who is from the Greek side of my family I became aware of this broad’s motives.

Most of my life it was rumored my granny’s great-aunt was one of those highly spiritual women who could sense things without being told one word. She drew the girl up in a vision and even told me her name.

It was someone who was working side by side with my mate, and she knew me quite well and that is how she was able to boldly infiltrate my life to cause me harm.

As my relative looked at me, she said, “They are trying to poison you, you don’t see how dark you are looking these days?”

The woman had resorted to putting poisonous substances in my daily vitamins which slowly began to poison my blood. Quite honestly I thought my allergy to the sun was out of control. But, not this time. Miss Muffet was going hard to conquer and divide and I was the only obstacle standing between her and a life which seemed so grand.

My yiayia’s great-aunt told me the woman was using evil to make me ill. There were days when I literally could not hold myself up because I felt as if I were at death’s door. There were nights when I felt as if someone was choking the daylights out of me.

But, just like Jamaicans, Greeks have their own superstitions and hocus-pocus which includes a lot of praying and chants. My relative took my situation to her ya-ya sisters and in a short while I was back on the mend.

When the hotsie-totsies of this new world want your partner they will go to any lengths to accomplish their task. At which point if you are not savvy or highly spiritual you will end up being a casualty of their lust and avarice.

Even when you are an attractive woman minding your business there are other women vying for your opportunities and will commit heinous acts to get you out of their way.

Mon Frere’s this is a dog eat dog world out there and if you are complacent for one second, the sharks will begin to circle and they will be merciless when trying to get their grubby little hands on what is yours.

In this young woman’s situation, she is going to have to sift through the people who are in her circle and entourage. Once she weeds out the bad apples she will be as right as rain once again.


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