Brothels In Disguise



Navigating the world today requires skill, intelligence and tuning in to your intuition. If you have researched and participated in daily living you will find, all that glitters is not gold.

You will also become aware that not every shingle which is hung is about “business” or to be candid, it may not be about the business you are going about.

For instance, in today’s world one has to be careful when patronizing certain medical facilities. A good percentage of them are riddled with moonlighters and clandestine activities.

For example, I once went to a provider who was surrounded by women who looked as if they were in between providing medical assistance and being late for their set at the Gentlemen’s club.

The nurses had nine-inch nails, decorated with sparkle and glitter. Their make up looked as if it had been done professionally, and they appeared to be more into procuring their manicured nails instead of doling out medical assistance. Each time the nurses proceeded to conduct diagnostic tests on me I was being poked by their nails or the glitter would sprinkle on my attire.

Many times they were not able to perform the tests accurately because the nails kept getting in the way.

To actually hear this remark coming from me is a stretch since I rarely have anything negative to say about people who are just trying to live their lives. But, it has just dawned on me after many experiences there are strange things going on in the most elite of places.

At first I had a good sense of humor regarding the developments shrugging it off by declaring, “They do have lives outside of the office.”

However, as a natural practitioner myself, I do know there is a way in which one should conduct him or herself.

For instance, I have grown leery of medical places who do not at the very least take your vital information such as height, weight, BP, temperature, and heart rate. To me when individuals neglect this phase it says they are not being thorough or do not value their patient enough.

I am also skeptical of facilities which are not integrated properly with both males and females. When I notice a medical office with predominantly female support staff and one male practitioner many times one can deduce there are underhanded occurrences going on.

At times it is suggestive of nefarious actions. It is no secret with the floundering economy there are a great number of conventional practitioners who have crossed over into peddling opioids, other pharmaceutical drugs, and even flesh peddling to make ends meet.

As quiet as its kept there are many men and women who participated in stripping to get themselves through medical school so it makes one wonder how much of their past activities do they take with them into their professional lives.

Though a good percentage of practitioners would like to pretend they are elite and above impropriety it oftentimes seem as if they are the source which has allowed prostitution and drug rings to flourish so effortlessly.

After reviewing the ways in which some facilities ran their offices especially when their staff is surly or gets too familiar with their clients or patients; I became aware there are levels of unprofessionalism going on that no one really wants to know about for fear of being completely mortified.

Don’t get me wrong, a person who is seeking medical consultation wants to feel the place they have chosen is welcoming, caring, accommodating and somewhat filled with affable personnel. A stodgy atmosphere is never good for business but at the same time there are boundaries of professional conduct which need to be put in place.

Truthfully, I find that some of these offices today are ran in a helter-skelter manner and the staff is somehow given the idea they can be as rude as the devil will allow. In my opinion no one can ever feel comfortable in a hostile environment or even find healing in one.


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