This. Is. No. Time. To Be. Complacent.


The Bible tells us through great and disastrous things God speaks to us. In the past few years, we have all been spectators to mass shootings, drug peddling, “the opioid crisis,” an economy which does not want to correct itself, government shutdowns, an unusual rise in heinous crimes and kidnappings.

You might be asking yourselves what is this about really? Most of us want to believe it is all about politicking but sadly it is not. It is about capitalism at the expense of the people being governed.

If we choose to take time to stop, look, listen and watch, not just in America but around the world we will find that the bad guys seem to be winning. Who are the bad guys? The drug lords, flesh peddlers, and cartels of the world.

Every aspect of our society has become marred by drug usage, flesh peddling, and sexually deviant behavior. A vicious cycle is being played out in the sense that the common denominator of all these vices are DRUGS.

Crime is escalating because individuals are either mentally ill or drugged up beyond belief. Flesh peddling and human trafficking are being used to buy more drugs, contraband, and weapons so the cycle keeps spinning out of control when mass shootings occur as a result of more drugged up people carrying weapons.

When people are on illegal substances unusual crimes occur and eventually the economy begins to suffer as a result of depletion of resources. As quiet as it is kept, most foreign countries have learned to rely on additional revenue from drug peddling to keep them afloat instead of borrowing money from the International Monetary Fund at extremely high-interest rates.

Although these tactics have managed to keep many countries afloat, after a period of time one will notice the decline in their quality of living because with drugs comes a certain element which further debases any economy.

So, a once beautiful city or town will quickly go from picturesque to a slum in an instant. The current Russian roulette which is being played with people’s lives through the shutdown, unemployment, and meager disbursement of wealth is nothing but a ploy to further unleash the mainstream usage of drugs.

Politicians seem to be up in arms about the opioid crisis but did they ever think why people are taking drugs at such alarming rates is due to lack and poverty? People are cooking drugs and consuming it in large amounts in place of food. The working poor is being faced with the challenge of feeding their families and maintaining their lifestyles. Hence, the rise in drug dealing and creative misuse of street drugs and pharmaceuticals to generate additional income.

While the country is bottoming out, I have noticed a complacency level in people I cannot fathom. I then realized it is really is not them. They are not being themselves because a fair percentage are so medicated by recreational drugs and other prescription drugs that they barely have the stamina to fight for themselves any longer.

So, in the wake of all the politicians calling for legalizing marijuana, all I have to say to this proposition is that it will become a breeding ground for more crime and it will further ruin the quality of American life.

Some people have found solace in marijuana for various healing efforts and in those cases where it is medically necessary then there should be concessions made. However, marijuana is a drug just like cocaine, heroin, PCP, and LSD.

It can create as much damage psychologically and physically like any other hallucinogenic drug. Today they will seek to pass a bill to make marijuana legal and tomorrow, it will be heroin and they will make it seem so necessary everyone will be getting on the bandwagon until it is too late for our society.

They all care about the “opioid crisis” yet their answer to the problem is “Let’s legalize more drugs!”

This my friends explains an economy which is in the abyss. The powers that be are looking to marijuana to generate billions of dollars like it does for other foreign economies. We all say we want better lives for our children and to create an environment we can be proud of but each time we negotiate with drug lords and cartels we are giving them more power and credence to grow and bloom

We despise child predators and sexual deviance but when women choose to wear clothing which reveals more than it should we are encouraging sinful acts and behavior. Life changes for the better when we renounce evil and the things associated with it. We do not bring God and celestial beings into our lives when we give the keys of the kingdom to druggers, flesh peddlers and fornicators.

When a country’s ideals are in line with good values and morals that is when it steers out of impending doom and gloom. Honestly, this is no time for anyone to be complacent about our futures leaving it to those who “govern” to work it out. This is the time for everyone to rant, rave and misbehave prompting our leaders to stay on task via paths of righteousness and propriety.


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