The Deals We Make Sacrifice Our Souls


Any foreigner who  decides to come to America knows it is a pain-staking process. Especially nowadays since terrorism has taken center stage, becoming an American resident or citizen is nothing less than a monumental undertaking.

As I am maturing and navigating through life I am discovering  hidden truths concerning naturalization in America. My aunt who died almost 4 years ago was responsible for bringing her brothers and sisters here.

I, on the other hand, was granted citizenship in America due to my adoption and the fact that my adoptive mother was a citizen of America from back in the early sixties. Although I went through the same testing process when I was old enough, it was always understood I was a citizen due to my adoption.

So in some strange way, I am an American citizen two times. The reason why I am rehashing the events of immigration in America is that it has become my belief that many of the immigration processing which goes on today is wrought with impropriety.

By this, I mean that back door deals are being struck with individuals who want access to America. The deals include providing services of a clandestine nature. I also have reason to believe that when my aunt who passed away tried to get her residency back in the 60’s she was given a hard bargain.

Part of that bargain was to participate in the world’s oldest profession. When she sought to bring her other brothers and sisters to America they also became involuntary participants in the sordid deal.

This is why there is a theme of harassment throughout my family over the years. Wherever they worked there was always that one person who made it quite known they wanted to get horizontal with them. If they did not comply they made life hotter than hell for them.

I am sure if they did it to my family many other families have horror stories that have become part of history. In other words, if foreigners want to be Americans they have to give up their respective loyalty to their countries but they must also perform lewd and lascivious acts.

Many of the old-timers who came to America back in the day can tell you tales of being manipulated into slavery love or working for dummy corporations which were nothing more than fronts for prostitution.

A  good percentage relented because they had minimal skills and basic education. They had already risked their entire fortunes to come to America for the betterment and it was too late to turn back so they went along with the program as best they could.

Until it started becoming dangerous, where people were sold into human trafficking because of greed, or persons contracted severe diseases or bled to death from being defiled one too many times.

Now that we are in a generation that is more educated than ever and many have become hip to the nefarious dealings, the impropriety that once ruled is dying a natural death but not without revolts and an attitude of blacklisting immigrants if they do not comply with the old status quo.

This is why lately it is being rumored that American citizenship can be rescinded at any time. Since the younger generation is no longer in compliance with the old deals which were made, they are going to make all foreigners suffer until they acquiesce to the sinful acts being placed on the table as part of the naturalization-citizenship deal.

The current administration is turning the screws by limiting the job market to only American born individuals, and opportunities for most immigrants are dwindling daily. People are making it but they are not saying how because many are ashamed they are selling their souls to the devils to survive.

The norm in today’s society is one of flesh peddling. If you are not showing your arse, wares, and nethers you get nada. It has become a  morally decrepit society of flesh seekers who are exploiting the sexuality of both men and women.

Today, the neighborhood watch means many homes are wired and all your activities have become fodder for the elitists of our society. We live in times where folks find it more interesting to know what the other man or woman has got anatomically and otherwise.

If you are a foreigner like myself you may have found yourself in misadventures like me but if you choose to think about it, it was not solely your doing. Things were orchestrated from the beginning to make you take steps in the wrong direction.

Why do you think the whole immigration matter has become one of the most controversial political points in history? That is because the new generation of immigrants is wiser, smarter and they know it is wrong to acquiesce to the devil’s demands or to participate in the flourishing of Sodom & Gomorrah.

This is why the immigration laws are becoming more stringent by the minute and all sorts of barriers and obstacles are being imposed. Many of these so-called regulations are being rolled out  to deter terrorists.

The truth is some of these terrorists groups are so minted, well-financed and connected that if they want to gain access to America they can do so through multiple channels. These rules and regulations are not to keep out terrorists but to prematurely rebuke foreigners coming to America who are ambivalent to get on board with their shenanigans or to cower the ones who are living here into complying with their sinful agendas.



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