Obsessed with Men & Fashion


In the minds of my critics, it is their opinion that I spent my life trying to bring sexy back. Let me explain. In a woman’s twenties and thirties, she should be dating as much as she can to determine what she truly wants in her life.

Since I was coupled up from the time I was about 16 years old I never knew what dating around was like untiI I was in my mid-twenties. I had only known one male as my boyfriend and I thought I would never have to go out in the world and date again.

When the relationship ended I found myself in turmoil trying to navigate the dating world. I am the sort of person who can tell within 5 minutes of spending time with someone if we are going to make it or not.

Therefore while my critics looked on as I dispersed pink slips, they did not know they were short-lived scenarios. It wasn’t like I had been dating for weeks or becoming intimate and then divesting of the suitors.

It was more like interview sessions gone wrong. The fact about being thrust into the dating scene is you have to be on top of your game all the time. So even if you are not fashion conscious, you have to get with the program to be a contender.

Luckily for me, I was embroiled in fashion from a child.  However, in American society, dating required so many other little nuances. One had to make sure one’s hairdo was always on point, nails had to be professionally manicured at all times and you had to invest in expensive stiletto pumps to keep the femme fatale image going.

Truthfully, although some women love, adore and crave fashion being on display like Barbie can get quite tiresome. While others were judging me exclaiming I am obsessed with men and a clothes horse, all I was doing was trying to be a well-rounded person.

If I worked all the time I was deemed a workaholic. If I attended one too many parties I was called a party girl. If I stayed home too much I was called a wallflower and a homebody yet, when I decided to be proactive in the dating world the criticisms did not stop and the scrutiny grew too disruptive.

Naysayers have tried calling me a man tetes and fashion tetes. However to be obsessed about things it means you have to be chasing them or doing everything in your power and then some to acquire them.

I assure you I was not chasing anyone or anything. Over the years I was invited to many soirees of which I declined because it had to make sense to me to get myself gussied up. When I did meet a potential date it was usually while participating in a mundane activity or through a mutual acquaintance.

I was not hanging off of bar stools waiting to be noticed or passing out idle winks to hook up.

Most of the times I was too busy taking care of the histrionics occurring in my life to even pay attention to the eligible bachelors in my midst. As far as fashion went, I was never in the malls or boutiques every weekend or chance I got.

I bought classic pieces and invested in one of a kind items and learned to accessorize well. My critics made up stories of how they perceived my life to be when in fact I had learned the art of illusion and camouflage.

I have heard tales being told about me detailing that when I became depressed I would just go on aimless shopping sprees squandering cash on clothes and pointless items as if money were going out of style. I can honestly say that was an emphatic lie!

When experiencing the doldrums I would be more likely take to working out, running or travel.

The one thought I have felt about my life and the opposition who have tried their best to make it miserable is the fact that if there was an award for the most talked-about person I do believe I would have to be nominated.

Oddly enough, I would stand a good chance at winning not because I am the most popular or well-liked but due to being the talk of the town since everything I do turns into rhetoric and fodder.


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