Break Up With Boring

It is human nature to want life to be exciting, enthralling and teeming with activity. The reality is that life is a vicious cycle. It is filled with mundane, repetitive actions and routines. In the course of a life, outside of getting an education, dating, marrying and having children, and dying it is hum-drum. The biggest challenge … More Break Up With Boring

The British Snub

I am the sort of person that once I decide someone is kosher I do not have a problem sharing my family and life with the individual. However, testing people has proven that they will show you the side of themselves they want you to believe in. Once you get to know them in-depth you realize … More The British Snub

With Love, Hubby

It’s been about a week since everyone lost their minds in regards to the Peloton commercial. I was waiting for the dust to settle before I analyzed the whole debacle regarding a husband gifting his wife an exercise bike that costs over $2000. From a health practitioner’s point of view, I think it was a … More With Love, Hubby


The term jinx is used to describe negative energy, a curse or the attribute to attract bad luck. In certain cultures such as Asian and Indian cultures, it is said, “It is better to be born lucky than wealthy.” The premise behind that thought process is if you are born wealthy and lose your fortune … More Jinxie