My 3,650 Days Without A Car


My family prides themselves on their affluence and how they were raised. My grandfather often instilled in family members, a good work ethic so they could have their possessions.

He felt that borrowing was rarely an option due to the loopholes and snares that evil wishers would use to ensnare the family.

Therefore, as my Grandad instructed, I worked diligently to have my own but little did I know that thieves, scavengers and saboteurs were at my back night and day to divest me of them.

Since my car was stolen 3, 650 days ago, I have learned to be creative as far as transportation goes. However my independence and creativy has come with peril as this year alone I have experienced about 4 kidnapping attempts.

I suddenly realized the taking of my car was a plot to indirectly hand me over to flesh peddlers and human traffickers. Three of the kidnapping attempts occurred at the hands of private car services with Indian car drivers.

Even though I have Indian heritage in my ancestry, I know there is a growing problem in India where a good percentage of the men do not respect women and girls. They only seem to want to maim and hurt them.

Sadly, most of their ghastly behavior is motivated by greed. In the matter of domestic abuse, it is because they want the dowry given them by the women’s parents.

If they believe there is “gold in dem dere hills” they will keep abusing until the families divest of their fortunes to make things better at which point they still end up killing the women.

Some Indian men have become notorious for sexually assaulting and defiling women. One would think when they migrate to the western hemisphere it would stop. It seems their avarice is greater than any traditional family values they may have been taught as children.

The current situation is the fact that a lot of Indian men who migrate tend to believe they can only find acceptability if they matriculate within the Black American race. It is then they divest of all their Eastern philosophies and pick up some very bad habits.

I am not saying that depraved behavior does not exist in other cultures but it is becoming rampant in brown skinned persons. Traffickers seek out such individuals because they know they are motivated by the dollar bill.

Just this week alone it was reported that Indian men were seen carousing malls and parking lots trying to boldly take women against their will. Why? Because trafficking pays and sex sells.

After my kidnapping attempts occurred via car services I tried hoofing it but my spine condition became so aggravated I nearly fainted as a result. Even when trying to take the initiative to be proactive it poses dangers as the most recent attempt involved vans carousing the area I was trying to navigate on foot.

As I walked hastily to avoid a van that had pulled up to the curb to pull off their caper, I then turned down another street where a non-descript SUV was circling with its doors wide open.

I quickly began acting like a crazy person to avoid the SUV and proceeded down another avenue when I happened on another non-descript SUV with the hatchback open.

Only this time, the driver was eying me side ways while he had another person pretending to ask for directions. It was my opinion the other person was just waiting for the opportunity to grab, dash and drive.

Most people believe I want to be Mustang Sally because I am spoiled and want my way.

In my life I need to be in charge of my safety at all times. No one can foresee the dangers and snares better than I do.

Today when you leave your abode and go into the real world you are taking your life into your hands. Individuals who are in charge of transportation and means to get you from one place to the next are not concerned with your safety and do not think they are in the business to deliver you all in one piece to your destination.

Instead, they are looking for ways on how they can cheat, defile and maim for their financial gain. My car situation did not happen by mere happenstance. It was a carefully, devised evil plot to have me at the mercy of thieves, predators and charlatans.

One of the biggest peeves people have with me is the fact that I am not very sociable. The thing is they only want me to be sociable for their clandestine causes which puts my safety at risk.

The family tells you to work hard to attain the things you desire in life to be successful. But, they never tell you about the monsters waiting and lurking to divest you of them.

In a place as large as New York I am having a difficult time comprehending why it is such an aggrandizing feat for me as a woman to get from point A To Point B without feeling as if I am prey for the vultures disguised as helpers.

#Websofdeceit #scams #thieves #charlatans #criminalminds






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