Now You See Us, Now You Don’t


Scientists have often proclaimed the shortest distance between any two points is a straight line. Therefore, when taking on any road journey motorists usually opt for highways, and byways as they are deemed the safest routes.

But, in our society today there are no routes that are shenanigan-free or do not harbor their fair share of hazards. The only thing we are sure when traveling on parkways, highways and byways is the fact that we may reach our destinations quicker.

Nowadays when traveling on city streets, suburban roads and rural areas one has to be 100% alert. One moment you could be zipping along merrily and the next you are ensconced in bumper to bumper traffic for no earthly reason.

You may want to give yourself a way out by getting off at the next available exit but one has to think rationally before doing so as it could pose an even greater security risk as the bedouins could be waiting  to ambush you on the roads.

Many people have mysteriously disappeared from parkways and roads due to carefully planned strategies such as being boxed in by trucks and vans. Some large vehicles are equipped with the hydraulics to lower themselves while a van driving behind you forces you into the larger truck in front.

Like magic, motorists disappear because they are being hauled away by other unsuspected commercial vehicles. I am often leery when the traffic becomes gnarly without proper protocol.

Whether there is a flashing advisory sign or  authoritative figures directing traffic, trained motorists know when stop and go traffic is legitimate and when it is not. In today’s volatile world there are individuals who will pose as police officers pretending they are helping stalled motorists when in fact it is really a plot to take drivers under siege.

During this gleeful season when traveling the roads it is better to be alert and paranoid than to be passive and dismissive. There are so many scams being played out on parkways that are being orchestrated to create disappearing acts.

In our modern world, it is sad that on a daily basis we have to be suspicious regarding the manner in which we transport ourselves as there are vultures and thieves lurking at every nook and cranny whether we travel by land, sea, or air.


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