Star Children: The Garden of Good and Evil

Image result for images of children from another planet

Astrologers say that star children come from another planet and many were left on earth by their star mothers to study it and gain knowledge. These children who were born during major planetary shifts and came to planet Earth have found it difficult to get on or adjust in life.

Some of them are plagued heavily with emotional dross, not fitting in or not even understanding human beings at times. They are innocents who navigate the world through rose-colored glasses.

They were simply born too soon. This condition has left them feeling displaced, and having one misadventure after another because truthfully it was never their time.

In some ways, it may seem as if these star children live two lives in one lifetime. The first time is an experimental and a fact-finding mission. The second time around is when they have gained enough knowledge to complete their mission on planet earth.

I know this may seem farfetched to you but there are several earth children that walk amongst us and they will not know what their “condition” is until they begin to identify with the symptoms they have felt their entire lives.

“They” have always known they do not belong. Intuitively they also feel they are here to complete important missions that are necessary for the next civilization.

Many have gone through such hurts and pain because truthfully they do not comprehend the human condition. Learning earthly things and ways has been a monumental challenge for them but nonetheless they excel and are able to use the knowledge acquired to help others.

By now you are wondering why do I know such things? This is because I myself am a star child. From the time I was able to figure out two plus two, I knew that there was something different about me and so did my grandmother.

It became the reason why she watched me very closely. At around the age of two years, I was healing and praying for people with little or no directives from anyone.

Yet, I did not know what my story was. I felt like I never fit with my family or friends so I began seeking answers. In my research, I found that there are several books written on star children.

Therefore I picked one up and began reading. Supposedly the mere fact that I was drawn to the book suggests that it was my destiny to find out the reason behind my true existence.

What was really odd was that when I was about a year old I remember dreaming of my star mother. I saw her as vivid as sunlight. She was blonde and looked like those female explorers out of the Tarzan & Jane movies.

Back then I had no idea who this person was but from time to time she would make her presence known. As a matter of fact, when I was in my early forties and had just moved to the far end of Long Island on a frequent basis I use to see what looked like alien life in an open field.

One morning as I was on my way to work I swore I saw an indentation on the grass in the field. One might have translated the evidence as a spaceship landing.

The following weekend I was out and about and I had gotten lost in a wooded area, as I was trying to get my bearings straight and find my way home, a woman who looked like someone from my dreams drove pass me in an ancient army jeep.

It was almost as if she were on an expedition as she was dressed in safari clothing and wrangling that jeep better than any man could.

It seemed as if I was caught up in a time warp as she wanted me to see her and she circled around me many times. In those moments, I understood myself better and the reasons why I was such a renegade from birth.

At first, I thought I was hallucinating and wondered if any other motorists were seeing her. Time stood still as I watched her bring a small dose of her exploring world to me.

The point is that star children will make tons of mistakes, encounter a lot of pain, and disappointments in their first lives because for them it is a learning experience.

The second life is when they have learned from their errors and begin implementing the knowledge they have gained over the years. Some do not come into their own until many years after their birth because they were simply born before their time.

If you are reading this and are able to relate chances are you too are a star child. The book I read promises that one day star children will recognize each other and collaborate in extraordinary ways changing the planet earth for the better.

Maybe now is our time and perhaps this is why Corona happened as there is a shift going on in the universe and star children have been feeling it for quite some time.

This is because they were born and trained for these times we are experiencing. Now is the time for star children to rise up and take their place in the world they have helped to create.

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