My Life’s A Taylor Swift Song

I stay out too late, got nothin’ in my brain
That’s what people say, mmm hmm, that’s what people say, mmm hmm
I go on too many dates, but I can’t make ’em stay
At least that’s what people say mmm mmm, that’s what people say mmm mmm….

Over the years so much has been said about my dating life by mega haters. It has become such fodder that I equate my love life to many of Taylor Swift’s songs. The hater’s biggest gripe is the fact that I can reel the opposite sex in but I am unable to cinch the deal.

Some would even go as far as saying I am great at attracting men but I cannot hold on to one for very long.

The truth is I never found anything to hold on to. I had notions in my mind that I thought were worth following up on but the reality was there was nothing substantial to write home about. So, I either walked away or let the relationships die a natural death.

I can honestly say though, that not one man has ever truly left me. They may play diabolical games and at one point may think they have the upper hand but at the end of the day when they have created all their melodrama, every single one has come back or tried to come back.

The thing is I am never a dog to my vomit. My exes never appreciate a woman like me until they deal with several bitches and they realize that I have a heart of gold.

They also become aware that despite my quirks they will never ever find another woman who will be as good to them as I have been. I never take the criticisms seriously because I know the deal and so do they if they wish to speak the truth.

I have never parted on horrific terms with an ex. But, I have also made it quite clear that once they exit there is never any coming back. There are women who are willing to settle for half a loaf for whatever reason. I am not one of those women.

Me, I have been alone most of my life so telling a mate goodbye is never difficult for me at all because I do love my own company. I think they secretly know this about me and that is what makes them feel threatened by a woman like me.

Don’t get me wrong, break-ups sting for a moment but then I get busy with the business of life and all the histrionics seem to dissipate magically.

When the haters sling their brand of mud they often go for the emotional jugular by insinuating I am inept at love relationships. The fact is I prefer quality over quantity. I am so persnickety about everything that only a small percentage are able to pass my test.

I am not in the business of holding on to anyone as I do not want anyone to hold on to me because that suggests captivity. I am more the type of woman that if we are going in the same direction then I see how things evolve. If it feels right then I just might allow the person to hang around my life for a bit. However the moment I feel one icky vibe all bets are off and I am glad to resume my bachelorette status.

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