The Unaware Starlet

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The great sages have often emphasized, “There is nothing like a sloppy man and his philandering ways to mess up a good woman.”

The one thing life has taught me is to always connect the dots. If things seem too coincidental trust your instincts and see where the dots lead to.

My nightmare has been allowed to perpetuate partly because I was too trusting and naive. I refused to heed the little coincidences. I went through a period of my life where men were coming up to me saying, “You look familiar.”

Yet, I did not know why. It had been years since I had done any print work as a catalog model and it had been a while since I had participated in any trade shows. So why were these people coming up to me acting so familiar?

I will tell you why. My “adoring” beau had become captivated by another woman and had allowed her access to his home. The home he often leased out to blue movie makers for additional revenue.

If you are not sure what blue movies are, they are pornographic movies. This woman knew about me but I did not know about her. I believe that at some point he had moved her into our love shack at which time she struck a deal with the blue movie makers to place concealed mirrors strategically in various parts of the house.

Being the paranoid person I am I would jokingly ask him while fumbling around the house if he had bugged the place or had any hidden camera devices in the electronic equipment he possessed.

He would tell me emphatically no, citing his less than stellar body shape as the reason why he would not put his love life on full blast. But, to be honest I was often leery because his partner had a reputation for filming the women he slept with and then having special movie nights for his fellow broker/trader friends to watch.

Every time I visited “The Shack” I would often check the place with magnets just to make sure what happens at the shack stays at the shack. Little did I know that his transgressions and the evil woman involved would result in my private life becoming public fodder.

Men were coming up to me in the airports, while I was in my car trying to help me out of it, while shopping, approaching me in parking lots, and I had no idea why. I also wondered why it would take me so long to get my oil changed whenever I had my cars detailed. It was because they thought I was a porn star.

Normally, an oil change takes roughly 20 minutes. They would have me at the mechanic store for hours on end. When I complained and carried on they would try to make me believe I was being rude and unreasonable.

This despicable woman he had taken up with had access to the house and had set things up that I would come off looking like a whore du jour. This is why my beau was so freaked out when I left him a note written in red lipstick on his bathroom mirror after leaving for my transatlantic flight.

He was mortified because he knew about the other woman breaking-in whenever she felt her position in his life was threatened. I had given her confirmation of my continued existence in his life.

Therefore, she set out on a mission to wreck, ruin, and ravage my reputation. This is probably why frequently all his ex-women are lining up begging me forgiveness on a spiritual level.

They no longer can live with the nasty, low-down, dirty tricks they pulled against me. I blame them to a degree. But as my partner, he should have protected me from his messy extracurricular activities and he did not.

From the beginning of our relationship, I informed him I was not like other women. I also stated that his infidelities would get reported back to me on a spiritual plane.

At first, he did not believe me but when I had informed him that the spirits of his exes visited me in great detail, I noticed a change in him. He went out and bought new furnishings and linen.

Therefore, with all the other antics he pulled, I have been saddled with the arduous task of clearing my name. I never told anyone that I was Pristine Pollyanna but I am certainly not Typhoid Mary either.

I will continue fighting for my honor and dignity every step along the way until I feel satisfied that I have shut down all the haters. If anyone has made money off of any part of my likeness without my authorization, I want them penalized to the full extent of the law and any monies they earned donated to charity. As for him and the concubines he brought into my life, they will have to deal with the punishment God will dole out.

Although I appreciate the women’s apologies, sometimes there are some things you cannot fix with a simple “I am sorry”.


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