The Numbers Collector

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I have heard some people say that jealousy in a woman is unattractive. But, in my opinion, jealousy in a man is irritating, especially when it pertains to my relationship.

I seldom get in a relationship to have a wandering eye. If for any reason I am not feeling the relationship vibe with someone I will forego the whole endeavor.

It is counterproductive to get into a relationship to cheat. However, I cannot stop other men from being admirers or feeling the need to pass on their digits to me.

My beau’s biggest gripe with me is that I am the phone numbers collector. I will go to places and someone may approach me who happens to be of the male persuasion. I will do my best to keep things moving to circumvent the whole matter but these persons are usually persistent.

He in turn will reply, “There you go again picking up stalkers all along the way.”

So, as I am making my escape, a guy will hand me a business card. In my younger years, I found it difficult to be mean but now I am older I realize you just cannot encourage some people because they will make more of your encounter than what took place.

My beau is strange. I will show him the cards I collected and he will not say one word. He will secretly go on a private meltdown talking behind my back with his friends about me being a flirt.

When he does this sort of thing it makes me realize that he does not know me at all. If I were ever thinking of cheating I certainly would not show him any numbers. That is like giving him a map to the scene of a potential crime.

I once attended a mini concert in the park with one of his female friends. At the time his “friend” was making a mockery out of our relationship alluding to the fact he had other women on the side.

So, as I was enjoying the music, this guy came up to us and exclaimed he was admiring me from afar and wanted me to have his number. I took the number to show my beau’s female friend that my beau was not my world and certainly not the last junket to China. If he was cheating on me that was my sure-fire way to get a message back to him.

Once I got back to the house I viewed the card and was just about to destroy it when he walked in on me. What could I say? Except, “This person passed on a card, I did not exchange numbers.” Then I ripped the card up. The thing is I never exchange numbers.

In my younger years, I would collect the cards because I would think, “Gee it probably was difficult for that person to muster up the nerve to talk to me.” The premise behind my loco behavior was that I did not want to embarrass the other party.

But, life has taught me that you cannot be too nice as some men will twist the story, adding and subtracting. When they are finished you will not come off smelling like a rose. Therefore, now I just smile and say. “Thanks, but no thanks.”

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