Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Gone

As we sit at the Thanksgiving table this year alone or in quarantine with the ones we hold dear, just remember the ones who are no longer here, Corona took them away in a massive sweep, and although they say time is a healer, only the tears wash away the lumps we feel in our … More Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Gone

Aggravation Central

It’s been 21 days since the 2020 Elections have commenced and we are still unclear as to who the next President of the United States will be. So far we have determined that there has been some impropriety which includes sticky fingers, ballots being dumped in the garbage, and dead people being resurrected for the … More Aggravation Central

The Election Novela

It’s been 13 days since the “glorious” elections and although by now there should have been a declared winner, there is not. It seems that the 2020 election has been riddled with acts of impropriety that the opposing party does not want to take accountability for. The DEMS remind me of cheating men. Even if … More The Election Novela

Simple Life Lessons

Some people will think I have been ungrateful for calling out my adoptive parents on some of the dastard deeds they have committed against me. The thing is they know that I am the type of person who speaks her mind. Both my adoptive parents are very outspoken so perhaps my nature to be blunt … More Simple Life Lessons

Foreign By Nature

It has taken me many years to realize that I was taken down by my fellow Jamaicans. In the year 2002 after I returned from Florida, I decided to completely immerse myself in my writing. I began writing online soap opera serials and I also volunteered my time to write for a Jamaican online publication. … More Foreign By Nature