Deeply Saddened For America: 2020 In Summation

Image result for a Rigged Election

For days we all have been under siege in one of the grandest miscarriage of justice the world has ever seen. We were all observers to the fudging of election numbers, discarded ballots, and bribery of those who were supposed to guard the ballots with their lives.

I may not be a rocket scientist when it comes to American election proceedings but I find it very interesting that every Democratic rally was like a ghost town, while droves of people showed up to support the Republican president.

Then during the tallying of the votes, the numbers became astounding for the Democrats also in the wake of missing ballots, thrown out ballots, and ballots that were circumspect due to the usage of sharpies no doubt provided by democratic spies.

As any of us may know who has taken standardized tests there are only two ways by which one is allowed to record answers a 2B pencil or a blue inked ballpoint pen.

Here we are in 2020 doing all sorts of creative things when it comes to marking answers that would create grounds for disqualification on any other standardized testing.

The next matter I find most curious is the fact that the Trump numbers stayed at 214 for many days although ballots were being retrieved from the garbage and all sorts of obscure places.

While Biden kept rising as if kindergarteners were at play with the gauge controlling the numbers. From the inception of the election, something felt rotten in Denmark.

I am saddened to know that after the melodrama, and conveyance of impropriety that the press has the nerve to declare a democratic president. It is a sad day in America as this is nothing more than an extension of the Obama presidency.

It is as if Americans have forgotten the heinous acts that began around that time. The rioting, the pillaging, unemployment and destruction. Without sounding duplicitous, I too had made an earnest effort to vote for Obama because I saw injustices in America and thought it would have been a fair and just regime for all.

However, it turned out to be an Administration that would only give Black Americans leverage and power causing them to think that since “Daddy” is in charge they can do as they please.

Most of you reading this may think I am ranting and raving over nothing. Believe me when I tell you these turn of events will be the ruination of America as we know it.

In all the years I have known myself I have not experienced such strong emotions about anything until now. Here is why.

I have observed the political unravelings for years, watched each player, and although I may think one side is abrasive I also know that the opposition is deceptive, sneaky, and up to “things”.

I come from a country where dirty politics is no surprise and unlike most people, I had a front-row seat to how nasty and low-down people can get. I have family members who were in the political arena for many decades and each time low brow antics were pulled to keep them out of politics.

Right now many Jamaicans and Indians are over the moon just to have anyone representing them but I am not. Here is why. In all the years KH has existed no one heard of her touting her Jamaican or Indian heritage.

All of a sudden since being Jamaican has become trendy we start hearing of her Jamaican and Indian heritage when she has always identified as Black American and catered to their constituency.

I find it unbelievable that she will do right by Indians, Jamaicans, or any other non-black group in any capacity. Someone once told me consistency is the key to making anything palatable or acceptable. I do not feel she has been consistent concerning upholding the Indian and Jamaican heritage.

This is not me being bad-minded or mean. If it were Portia Simpson, Priyanka Chopra, Aishwarya Rai, Lisa Hanna, or even the current Miss Jamaica being voted in as an American Vice President I would be at the White House with my white, orange, and green pom-poms in one hand and yellow, gold, green and black in another.

In America, people equate being Jamaican with being Black American and it is not. There are all sorts of Jamaicans. We have Greek, Lebanese, Syrian, Germans, Irish, Scottish, Dutch, French, British, Finnish, Icelandic, and Indian Jamaicans.

As a Euro-Jamaican I am highly offended that this farce is being allowed to go on putting Jamaica amid corruption, and questionable political antics.

When things go wrong they are not going to blame the American democratic president. They are going to blame “those Jamaicans or foreigners” who are filled with tricks and chicanery.

Several years ago, I made an error in judgment. It was based on wanting real change and felt that fairness would permeate the land but it did not. All I have observed is people acting bad to the bone, destroying, hurting, maiming, and unleashing their terroristic tendencies.

To me, their agenda is wrong in any language. At this moment we are experiencing growing pains from the BLM movement and the sympathizing celebrities have been instrumental in bringing about this devastating blow to America.

This is the reason why intelligent and socially aware people must stop making stupid people famous. They are only happy when they can have a candidate that will give them an open invitation to the white house all day every day.

If they are not getting their egos stroked then it is bacchanal and drama until they are appeased. Currently, we are looking at their appeasement and grand work. The sad part is that the local gentry worships them and follows them.

When things become dicey in America, they get on their private jets and go off to Canada, Europe, or a faraway continent leaving the masses to slug out the horrific lives that are being doled out to them as a result of them tweaking elections as they see fit.

You cannot follow people who are not living your day to day existence. For celebrities, it is a game to feel part of any modern-day movement because it boosts their career and makes them seem more relevant to society.

I don’t know about you but I would much rather the man that has walked a mile in my shoes than the one who uses simulation and conjecture to hoodwink people.

As a natural health practitioner, I will never recommend any remedy to my clients that I have not taken myself. Therefore, I believe politicians should be chosen the same way…Even if they only appear to be relatable in theory.

As I have stated before, the current President-elect seems unwell and it may be a fact they are hiding from the American people as it will play out where the VP will have to take over or even congress.

If we think Corona is a problem now, no one has seen anything yet. I have also noticed that once the Election debacle slowly revealed itself that COVID-19 was no longer the focus in the news and the fearful data the media had been spewing about surges seemed to die a natural death.

This revelation leads me to mull over many of the conspiracy ideas that have been roaming around town. I now think that this whole Corona issue is the International mastermind of elitists who realize the world is getting too “woke” for them. They are in fear of losing their leverage and power so it was their way of instilling anxieties, panic, and fear in people on a global level.

Unfortunately, some of these elitists come in the form of lawyers, doctors, and Indian chiefs. It is the medical community that people need to take a closer look at as they found it necessary for the masses to declare them “essential”. Why is that?

Heck according to GOD we are all “essential” in our own right. Given an opportunity to heal they will use that opportunity to stroke their egos as they believe they are all rock stars.

The truth be told, when called upon daily many are filled with bias and racist agendas and at times will not even give their average patient the time of day.

If they are so confident in their bedside manner and business acumen they would not find it necessary to be deemed “essential” and to be lauded and applauded for weeks at a time. As the old sages would urge…”THINK!!!”

They are the ones who will gain out of chaos and confusion as the local gentry looks to them for direction and stable ideas. But make no mistake, they too have diabolical agendas as they have forgotten the Hippocratic oath to suit their capitalistic natures.

As a modern-day natural practitioner, I have embraced both conventional and natural medicine, as I believe the two forms of healing are complementary to one another. On occasion, I have been largesse enough to have lauded conventional discoveries from time to time.

Yet, I have found the medical community have grievances carrying against natural practitioners and their brand of medicine. Although many of them are getting on the natural bandwagon, they are also trying to put the kibosh on anything and anyone that will overtake their thunder.

I have also uncovered their penchant for power plays and games. Their voracity to rule far outweighs their capacity to heal. This is one of the main reasons why we are in this sticky-wicket political situation today. It boils down to money and Big Pharma.

The current administration seeks to weed out the companies who are fervently draining the pockets of seniors, vets, and those who have pre-existing conditions. The medical practitioners know these persons rely on certain meds that have become overpriced.

If the Republicans are allowed to re-gain control of the white house, the medical community’s huge pharma trust fund will dwindle significantly and they will be forced to live “normal” lives like the rest of us and they just cannot allow that to happen.

Therefore, if the new government that is being formed are contraband smugglers, terrorists’ sympathizers, and Al-Qaeda funders they do not care two fiddlesticks as long as they put the brakes on the war that has been declared against Big Pharma.

It is indeed a somber time for America and I will be wearing black to mourn this occasion. I know many think that relief is on its way but they will only begin to view BLM being supersized and more impartiality being waved across the land.

A lot of Americans were brainwashed by “the coolness” of the democratic leadership many years ago and translated their existence as being part of the filming of a real-life Cosby show.

Meanwhile, their lives were decimated as they sought to be cool and trendy. Do not be dismayed as things do not play out favorably due to your countrymen who are riddled with “white guilt”.

If citizens want to make changes, first start with trying to communicate effectively and making an earnest effort to understand people of different backgrounds. Listen to help and not respond aggressively.

People are screaming to be understood from a psychological level. Change will not come by dragging a whole country through more unemployment, devastation, horror and violence.

The path to “Unity” and “Peace” comes from the ability to stop judging and being more accepting and loving unconditionally.

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