Sins Of The Presidents

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It is the good book that states, “He who has no sin cast the first stone.” In the time of our Lord, no one was able to do it then and I am quite sure no one can to do it now.

The 2020 Election has been one filled with curry favor both by the American and International media as well as voters. Right now, it is appearing that many voters went to the Republican rallies under pretenses as their voting shows otherwise.

Perhaps they may have been democrats in disguise? Any roads, the biggest gripe most have is which candidate is the biggest sinner?

On the republican president’s side, it was the fact he was caught up in a scandal about defiling a minor that is based on here say. They also tried to impeach him for collusion with the Russians and Chinese and we all see how that turned out.

Then there were the recordings where he was engaging in locker room talk and his right to free speech were violated by the press because they should have disclosed he was being recorded.

The conversation may not have been proper but it was taken out of context to suit persons with unsavory agendas with the blessings of the media. Over the years, he has made some ridiculous remarks but that can be explained as one who lacks social graces which is not uncommon for individuals who were raised in great wealth.

The second candidate for president who represents the plotting democrats has been caught up in scandals of impropriety that speaks of sexual harassment in the workplace, sexual assaults, private conversations recorded about repealing many programs that citizens are benefiting from right now, not to mention the Iranian government announcing he has committed crimes against them, illegal spying on the Republicans, and impropriety associated with his son involving China and Ukraine.

Mind you these were all issues that the Republican president was raked over the coals about and here we are partying and acting as if the second coming of Jesus has arrived.

The fact of the matter is that any impropriety of an intimate nature that the Republican president was accused of was done in a social environment where alcohol and other libations were served.

Therefore in such situations, one has to be on one’s Ps and Qs if for some reason a male begins to act up the onus is on the offended party to flee if possible. Without seeming as if I am condoning the matter, I do believe some parts of the stories were embellished and filled with here say.

However, the incidences that cropped up regarding a sexual nature concerning the democratic candidate came straight from women who worked with him and felt uncomfortable being in his company. But, magically all those claims seem to fall on the back burner when they are more dangerous and poignant than ever.

In a time where the “Me Too” movement has been unwavering about men getting too randy while on the job with their fellow female co-workers and crucifying Harvey Weinstein, I find it interesting that America on a whole has looked the other way on such a devastating subject when it comes to the democratic candidate for President.

The fact is in a social setting we are allowed to let our hair down and be ourselves. But, at work, we have a responsibility to be the pillar of society and to uphold decent standards.

Then there is also the fact that on the day of the inauguration of the current president there was a revelation that millions of American dollars were given to the Palestinian government and another 1.5 billion USD to Muslims.

I am inclined to believe that from January of 2016 the fix was in to throw the 2020 election and these funds were used to do it. The money had to be funneled through foreign sources so that it could be laundered and recirculated in America to the right entities to get the dirty work done.

This is why there has been so much confusion regarding the ballots and oh, just maybe they may have financed a little germ warfare called Corona. I firmly believe that if COVID-19 was not a threat “normal” elections would have been held and the outcome would not be democratic.

I believe that if there are Americans who suspect corruption was involved in this election they should demand a do-over. They should conduct another election the old fashion way Corona or no Corona.

If each candidate is confident in their stats then justice will prevail one way or the other. Currently, no one should be rejoicing about a win. Behind that win appears to be chicanery, trickery, and deception and many butter fingers and I am not referring to the candy bar.

As a wise person once told me, “There is nothing good to be gained by ill-gotten victory.”

This election has been about payback by the press and other entities posing as democrats.


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