My Dearest Nephew

This is an open letter to my nephew HH who has only met his aunt in the spirit realm.

Image result for images of blonde hair and blue eyed 11 year old boy

My Dearest Nephew:

I know you just had a birthday a few days ago and you are well on your way to double digits. Even though I missed many of your birthdays, I still think of you on your special day. Especially since our birthdays are days apart as well as Auntie Amelia’s birthday.

I have often thought about sending you gifts but I wondered how your mother would react to them therefore I often put the idea off for another time.

I have not been able to meet with you because your mother, my sister is a character as you may know by now. I guess in retrospect we both share the same crazy genes.

You are growing into such a smart and bright young man and your grand-father, my dad speaks highly of you on most occasions. You may be absent from my life but I feel as if I know you quite well.

I am almost saddened by the thought that you have two more years before becoming a full-fledged teenager. I often ask myself , “Where did the time go?”

It seems as if it were only yesterday, you were running around in diapers with your huge doggie as your guide and now you are entering pre-teen status. We may not see each other often but I want you to know you are always on my mind.

I guess you are thrilled at the prospect of becoming a big brother soon. I am over the moon to be an aunt for the second time except this time around I hope it will not be years before I meet my new nephew.

I would love to get to know you before you become a teenager and don’t really have the time for people who are not rad or cool. Although I think I am quite cool as far as aunts go.

Anyway, I hope you had a wonderful birthday and you can tell your mum and the rest of the family I said hello. Take care, do well in school and strive to be a good person.

Love Always,

Auntie M.

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