Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Gone

Image result for images of an endless thanksgiving table

As we sit at the Thanksgiving table this year alone or in quarantine with the ones we hold dear, just remember the ones who are no longer here,

Corona took them away in a massive sweep, and although they say time is a healer, only the tears wash away the lumps we feel in our hearts,

Some of us survived and lived to tell the tales, yet the trauma of the virus still has us waiting to exhale,

From the ill being quarantined as if they were animals suffering from a tragic disease to families not able to say their goodbyes to the ones they love,

This leap year has given us more than enough, we have handled events we were not supposed to bear, and in the middle of it all we are still questioning if God is still there,

All things considered, we are doing just fine, as the departed souls will be with us when we sit and dine,

So leave a plate or two for the spirited company passing through, we shall never be undone by the lives that no longer exist since we know that God can handle all of this,

Our gratitude lies in the ways we chose to carry on honoring those who did not have the will to survive the storm.

Our lifestyles will forever be changed, perhaps we can keep the deceased’s memories going by remaining alive and well in a very strange year…



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