Gaslighted By Minnie

Since writing my blog many people have asked me if I have tried to repair the relationship between my adoptive parents and myself. I have told them an emphatic “Yes”. The thing is I am always the one who apologizes but after much introspection I realize I have nothing to apologize for because they could … More Gaslighted By Minnie

The Local Gentry

I began writing my blog “Fighting for Survival” not because I wanted sympathy or pity but because I felt I had stories to tell that some people could benefit from. My greatest misadventures occurred from my teens to late twenties. Back then, I wished I had a manual or book with frame of references I … More The Local Gentry

In Time God Reveals

“Ostracization was practiced against me so Blacks in this country could gain leverage at the expense of the Republic. This was how Large my grandmother was. The past few years you have all been privy to the “Browning” of America. Beneath it all is blackmail and extortion. Not even my family has been immune from … More In Time God Reveals

One Man’s Joke

In the words of Marilyn Monroe, I am just going to say, “Here we go again.” Each time I try to hear a news story and put it to rest in the context it was meant my intuition always goes into overdrive. When I first heard about the death of Full House star Bob Saget, … More One Man’s Joke

“Chicken George”

Since birth I always knew that I was different. The things and activities that most members of my family enjoyed I did not. My earliest memories of my relationship with food were tedious since most of the Jamaican culture required a lot of red meat eating. Particularly the consumption of animals’ organs. From the inception, … More “Chicken George”

A Sort of Perfect Day: Another day in the life of me.

Like most people living in the Northeast, I had just about had enough of snow. I was reviewing the Farmer’s Almanac to predict when the next snow fall would occur. Surprisingly, I found out that New York was on a thawing streak. We were on track for a blessing of warm weather. For me, that … More A Sort of Perfect Day: Another day in the life of me.