A Sort of Perfect Day: Another day in the life of me.

Image result for images of woman feeling woozy and dizzy

Like most people living in the Northeast, I had just about had enough of snow. I was reviewing the Farmer’s Almanac to predict when the next snow fall would occur. Surprisingly, I found out that New York was on a thawing streak.

We were on track for a blessing of warm weather. For me, that was great news. I thought if the weather held up, I would take an “Emotional Rejuvenation Day”. Much to my delight, the weather was cooperative and so I started the next morning horse-back riding for a short period.

As the morning unfolded, it appeared to be shaping up as a lovely, bright day. I then decided to take a jaunt into the city of Manhattan. Instead of changing my riding gear, I showed up in full equestrian attire.

I felt wearing my riding helmet could come in handy considering all the drama unfolding in the metropolis. Once I arrived in the city, I was quite stunned since I had the impression that people were barely milling about due to Omicron looming.

A wave of claustrophobia came over me as the sidewalks had returned to their pre-covid days. I was a bit bewildered since the officials were still calling for social distancing. I then became aware that equestrian attire clears the path quite nicely.

People either believe a horse is trailing behind you or you have gone completely hatstand. My initial reaction was panic, drama and stress, until I looked and saw everyone parting like the Red Sea. They moved along quite nicely as if I were the thoroughbred horse Swiss Skydiver at the 2020 Preakness Stakes. It was a major “whew” moment for me since crisis was averted.

A few moments later, I did not feel too badly about my meltdown. There was a father on the sidelines trying to soothe his young son since he too was having a claustrophobic episode in the city.

One thing I have always appreciated about New York is its colorful characters and the way some people chose to be their authentic selves. This time around, it would appear to be the children who were taking center stage.

While most people were walking their dogs, this little girl was carefully, walking her beautifully decorated, brown paper bag. I wondered if the bag had a particular significance for her, such as it was the bag that her mum had wrapped her best lunch in or perhaps, she had made it in arts and crafts class.

Nonetheless, she dragged the bag along as if it were the holy grail of pets. I had heard of pet rocks before, favorite dollies, even blankies that earned attachments. I must admit this one was a new one for even eccentric, old me.

Speaking of dolls, right behind her was another toddler carrying her Barbie. I felt like sending a rescue team for the doll. I was sure Babie was suffering from vertigo. The toddler was turning her every which way except upright and standing. Poor Barbie was getting a workout that she did not bargain for.

Just when I thought I had seen it all that day, as I zipped to my planned tasks, I was reminded that Jamaicans will show up in the most impromptu moments. It was a sight to behold. Coming up the lane was Mr. & Mrs. Chinese Jamaican in matching rasta hats. For a quick second I wondered if it was Minnie (the adoptive mother) and one of her nephews.

Then as I was contemplating whether or not I should cross under the scaffolding, they were busy investigating the scaffolding. It reminded me of a scene right out of a horror movie. While everyone would be running in the other direction from inevitable chaos, they were busy dissecting and commenting how intricate the scaffolding was.

I figured they had to be tourists. Any seasoned Jamaican living in America would have crossed the street pronto. As I observed the post Corona restarting in progress, I also noticed that the kids of yesteryear were vastly different from today’s teenagers.

They all looked as if they stepped right out of a Tommy Hilfiger ad or a Ralph Lauren magazine editorial. They were exceptionally good looking and knew it. I then arrived at my final appointment for the day but not before stopping into a sweet shop.

Since finding out I have type 2 diabetes, I am reminded that my blood sugar levels can plummet swiftly after periods of excessive exertion. Lately, it has been a compulsion to get a sweet treat just to boost my blood sugar.

I normally carry pieces of fruit with me or mints. Sometimes I am so busy I forget to replenish. Each time I have a glucose episode I swear I will look for a fruit shop but of course for me that option always turns into a sojourn. Then when I think of all the requirements, I have for fresh fruit I nix the idea all together.

Anyway, I went into this sweet shop and had selected sweet drops. I left it on the counter as I was perusing for other goodies, but I was also keeping an eye on it. I must have spent about 5 minutes browsing while two other customers entered the establishment.

One that stuck out was a tall, older gentleman who kept staring at me. I was too busy keeping an eye on my selection though. He kept looking in my direction and was trying to get the store clerk to chat me up and engage me in conversation with him.

Anyway, I waited until he left the store to retrieve my selection. The drops were still on the counter. My intuition urged me to pick up another package of the drops since I felt that it was somehow switched.

For some reason, since I was in a hurry to get out of Dodge quickly, I threw caution to the wind. I purchased the drops I had originally left on the counter. Before, I embarked on my journey I took a drop, or two to boost my blood sugar levels.

By the time I reached my destination, I felt dizzy, and woozy as if I were going to pass out. I never had such a strong reaction to anything like this before. My reservations had been confirmed. The sweet drops had been switched out with the original ones I selected.

My grandmother often warned me that the hands were quicker than the eye. She felt I should always be careful when shopping for quick snacks. Someone had seen me coming a mile away and had set a trap for shenanigans.

It is a good thing I carry all sorts of elixirs with me at all times or else I would have been a sweet morsel for someone with ill intentions. My soothsayer warned me that the stage had been set for me to pass out. At which point, they would have absconded with my lifeless body. Therefore, prompting a massive manhunt.

It just reminded me that in today’s world you cannot be too careful and that I must be prepared at all times. Since it is not everywhere that hangs a shingle, I should patronize. Some are just dazzling storefronts to set me up or lure me away from my normal life.

Once I got through the bad feelings and almost frothing at the mouth, I was finally able to confirm I was not being paranoid. I came to terms with the fact that there are some very bad people out there. Other than this little episode it was sort of a perfect day.

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