One Man’s Joke

Rumors can either build people up or cause their demise.

In the words of Marilyn Monroe, I am just going to say, “Here we go again.” Each time I try to hear a news story and put it to rest in the context it was meant my intuition always goes into overdrive. When I first heard about the death of Full House star Bob Saget, I instinctively felt there was foul play.

I even wrote about it in my blog because I was perplexed by the ME’s assessment that there were multiple blunt traumas. As a person with dexterity issues, that makes me clumsy at times, I know that “multiple” blunt traumas are only possible if someone is thwapped on the skull several times.

Nonetheless, I did not want to taint this particular death with my conspiracy theories. Therefore, I developed a wait and see attitude because I felt that the coroner’s office would have to expound on their findings.

Earlier this week, there was another news story that stated that his family wanted all findings associated with his death to remain confidential. I thought it odd. It certainly made my theories resurface.

My initial thoughts were that someone either broke into his room after hours and assaulted him. But nothing the coroner was saying was substantiating my theories. Once again, I scolded myself to behave and not make a mountain out of a mole hill.

But, I still wondered why things had taken on a very secretive and stealth tone. Then I was perusing the newspapers and there it was, “Coroner makes explanation for head injuries associated with Bob Saget’s death.”

Truthfully, I was hoping that they would say something like he bumped into a piece of furniture that toppled over. An explanation like this would have explained the injuries and seemed more consistent with the multiple fractures explanation.

Then they also mentioned about injuries to his eyes. Now I know when some prize fighters get in the ring, and they get thumps in their brains sometimes they end up with black eyes. Perhaps this was his situation.

Then I remembered hearing on the news that the star had tested positive for COVID so after reading that he fell in the bathroom and injured himself on the marble tile, but then made it to the bedroom after passing out, and may have hurt himself for a second time, I felt it was possible that the Omicron strain could cause one to exhibit fainting spells.

Suddenly, I felt my conspiracy theory was malarkey and the explanation of him passing out as a result of COVID made perfect sense. I was so relieved. I mentioned it on social media. A very overzealous woman replied to me, informing me that my assumptions were naive.

Then she goes on to say that because I took this stance, she will assume I must think that …”A person who jokes about raping and sodomizing children is a good person…” She further went on to say, “You are sick.”

Therefore, I initiated research of my own. I found out that in 2008, Bob Saget’s fellow comedians roasted him. Most of their jokes were pertaining to Pedophile jokes. I wondered why because this actor often appeared as being wholesome.

Instinctively, I remembered a Jamaican phrase that says, “One man’s joke is another man’s death.” What if some sick, demented person misconstrued the roast or actually believed that all the “pedo” jokes were true and decided that they were going to harm him as result?

The trauma he experienced is consistent with one who struggled after being knocked down down and trying to regain composure and strength, perhaps stumbling into several items along the way. This would definitely explain the “multiple fractures” theory.

Whatever dastard deed that was committed his family wants to protect him posthumously and I cannot say I blame them. After thinking it all through, I stand by my original notion to say that dirty hands were at work in this matter. I hope God will grant him salvation and may he rest in eternal peace.

****Please note: I do not condone pedophiles, nor do I make excuses for the despicable acts they unleash on unsuspecting children.

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