Adopted Children Versus God Children

During my life, I have often gotten the distinct impression that people knew about me before I even arrived on their scene. Many had no qualms putting me in my place if they felt I overstepped my boundaries. This would be a tactic that I would have to learn when it came to other people … More Adopted Children Versus God Children

Other Arrangements

On this Father’s Day I have mixed feelings about everything. It is strange how circumstances can jolt you and show you the truth that you have been in denial regarding. Mickey’s (the adoptive father) illness has shed light on matters I was not certain of. I may have experienced inklings but deep down in my … More Other Arrangements

The Jamber Verdict

For several weeks most of us could not help getting dragged into the salacious details of Johnny Depp and Amber Heard’s torrid marital life. The sad part about the whole trial is the fact that AH broadcasted to the news and the world that JD was a wife beater. Subsequently ruining his reputation and livelihood … More The Jamber Verdict

My Spiritual Assessment About Certain Illnesses

As a practitioner, I believe that illness comes about from not taking proper care of oneself. This includes getting enough rest, consuming ample amounts of healthy and nutritious foods, and minimizing stress. I also know that from a spiritual point of view some illnesses especially digestive are not “ordinary”. Let me explain. Having spent a … More My Spiritual Assessment About Certain Illnesses