My Spiritual Assessment About Certain Illnesses

Believe only half of what you see and hear.

As a practitioner, I believe that illness comes about from not taking proper care of oneself. This includes getting enough rest, consuming ample amounts of healthy and nutritious foods, and minimizing stress.

I also know that from a spiritual point of view some illnesses especially digestive are not “ordinary”. Let me explain. Having spent a lot of time with my very spiritual, maternal grandmother she taught me quite a bit about the unseen world.

The world no one talks about that includes Jamaican obeah, Santeria, Black Magic, White Magic and Voodoo. It seems her family knew about these unforseen things quite well. Since they were minted, there were always folks trying to harm or control them.

Sometimes people do not have to fire up a cauldron or mix brews to hurt you. They can cast an evil eye (mal ojo) or transmit their bad intentions when handling your food. This is why it is not good for any and anyone to handle your food.

You must ascertain if they have a clean and pure heart before you entrust them with your health in this manner. My grandmother often told me that through the mere handling of your food, personal items, especially Jewelry, ill-intentioned people can throw “blows” at you.

A blow is an evil manifestation or incantation devised to hurt the person it is directed towards either physically, emotionally or mentally. At times, it could be all three. Sometimes the evil persons want you completely incapacitated.

This was the fate of my Aunt Maria. She had a beautiful home, nice family and good husband. Apparently, there was a shiksa that wanted to change all that. She threw a blow directed at her and the next thing we knew Aunt Maria passed out at home and was incapacitated for many years until she died.

Naturally, the empire struck back and the shiksa’s delusions of grandeur were quickly thwarted. Although Aunt Maria may have been down for the count, the other woman never got to assume her life.

My grandmother often told me that everyone in our family is gifted, and each has an unusual set of gifts. I would ask her about mine, but she never told me since she knew I would have to tap into them for myself.

She watched me all the time though, and the one thing she would tutor me on is controlling my gifts. She often told me never to use them for evil. Why? Because for every reaction we engage in there are consequences.

If you hurt someone willfully it will come back to you three times fold or more. Some people are not cognizant to the laws of the universe. There are folks who will just look at you and assume you have the world on a string and try to harm you for that reason alone.

They do not care about the struggles, heartbreaks or negativity you had to wade through to get where you are. In today’s society, hocus-pocus is more prevalent than ever because very few people want to work for anything.

They would much rather steal and conspire to take someone else’s life than to attain their own successes. I have noticed that a lot of folks are dying young. A good percentage of them are famous and quite well off in their own right.

I started pondering what was happening around me. People were dropping like flies or falling prey to certain illnesses. Then I realized it all had to do with the food supply. We are living in a time in America where just about every race is not happy with each other.

There are some Americans who feel that foreigners came here and took away their jobs and opportunities. They also feel that foreigners were responsible for Nine Eleven. So, while they smile and make nice, do not think for one second, they will not use other means to obliterate the competition. Even though no one is competing but that is not the way they view things.

I have reason to believe the food supply is being “obeahed” or tampered with in a spiritual way devised to cause grave illness and death. I have tested the theory myself and believe me when I tell you it has not been a favorable experience.

Some of the hocus-pocus they are doing is devised to cause instant death. This is often why I urge my clients to keep a food diary. I often urge them to jot down immediate reactions after eating certain foods. The journal then becomes a map of clues that help to solve the puzzle. Many of these reactions go way beyond food allergies.

For instance, I truly feel that someone put a hex on Wendy Wiliams the talk show host because she was gaining too much popularity and momentum. It may be the woman who took her husband, or it could have been someone who she was close to like a sister. Nonetheless, the drama she is experiencing is not natural and it has been designed to steal all her money and relieve her of her livelihood.

My paternal grandfather always had a saying, “It is not enough to just study people, but you need to study their hearts and secret intentions.” People will smile at you all day every day, even yessing you to death and telling you all the things you want to hear. But beneath their silky, smooth, exterior, lies snakes biding their time to pounce.

Sometimes it is not even their occultists acts that finally get you. Many times, they resort to germ warfare. If they are evil intentioned do not think they won’t leave that meat out on the counter to get Salmonella, or e-coli, or open the canned food and leave it sitting to give the consumer botulism.

Then they will cook it all up as if nothing is wrong and you my friend will be the wonderful recipient of such a deathly meal. At times these little misgivings work out to perform the perfect murders.

After all, only great forensic experts can prove if the salmonella or e-coli occurred before purchase or after purchase. If there is reasonable doubt, they get away Scot-free. Personally, if I get one bad vibe from a person, they can’t even give me an icy mint that I will feel comfortable about.

In the movie “The Golden Child” this principle was explored a bit. There was a scene where the wise Shaman gave the child a glass of water to carry. If he did not spill the water that meant he was pure in heart and thoughts.

This is the same way we have to check our friends, acquaintances and relatives. We can never assume because they laugh and talk with us heartily that they mean us a world of good. I have found that it is usually the ones who are amenable with dazzling conversations that are the ones with the hidden shovel waiting to bury you six feet under.

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