13 Little Questions from the Penny Section

All the world’s a stage….

If you have been an active member of this world at all you will know that with the wonderful evolution of social media came relentless critics. The fact that most people end up being trolled or shamed for being themselves or their parenting skills is mind boggling to me.

Quite frankly, I think it is despicable as we all have melodrama we are going through. If for one small minute sharing private moments of our lives bring joy, then discomfort, then I say shame on the folks who are being mean spirited.

You never know the level of “spoil sporthood” people engage in until you read some of their scathing remarks in living color. Being a veteran of vicious gossips and slanderous persons, I began imagining what it would be like if our critics had a talk show. What if they were able to ask us questions in a controlled environment? I wondered if it would deter their meanness and nasty quips.

These are the questions I imagined they would ask. The 13 questions that would put their “mal ojo” in a neutralized state.

(1). “What lesson have you learned from mean and crude people?”

Me: “I have learned that when people are unnecessarily mean, rude and disrespectful it is because they are in emotional pain. In which case they are lashing out at me to heal their hurt. I then have the choice to boundary up and not take the disrespect and negativity.”

(2). “One thing your ex gave you that you still have?”

Me: “Agita. The whole butterflies and love thing is a misconception. It is basically a prelude to drama. If you have nervous and uneasy feelings, run, it is your subconscious talking louder than a cheerleader on sports day.”

(3). “What do you do when you are in a bad mood?”

Me: “There is no such thing as a bad mood. There are feelings that cause one to be reactionary, but every mood serves its purpose until it passes. If I am sad, I participate in creative activities. People have negative moods and feelings because at that moment, he/she are ill at ease with themselves. When I feel ill at ease, I get athletic or mill about a little more than usual.”

(4). “What is something that used to scare you but no longer does?”

Me: “The Jamaican culture is filled with tales about the “boogeyman”. When I was a little girl my cousins had a field day with me. They would tell me these horror stories just to get me to act like a scaredy cat. Now, I am ready to go all ninja on ghost, goblins and ghouls.”

(5). “If you became a billionaire today, who would you surprise with the most expensive gift first?”

Me: “Myself.” #lol

(6). “What makes one heal after a break-up?”

Me: “Looking at the facts without adding or subtracting. When you can handle the truth, it makes the healing process more tolerable.”

(7). “What are three phrases better than I love you?”

Me: “God bless you”, “I appreciate you”, and “I want you to be happy.”

(8). “What do you love about Judaism?”

Me: “The sermons are not filled with a lot of preachy lectures that people cannot relate to. It applies the torah to real life situations.”

(9). “Biggest advice for someone giving you advice?”

Me: “Make sure you have a good success rate, and you practice what you preach.”

(10). “Do you know the Shema prayer in Judaism and how did you learn it?”

Me: “Shema is Hebrew for hear. In Deuteronomy 6 verses 4-9 Jacob says before his death, “Hear, oh Israel the Lord is our God. The Lord is one. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and might.”

“Shama, ho yeshal h’ alohino. Haddon hoa ekhad. Oaabta at yahweh elhaich bal labbak webeghel nefschhech webeghel nefschhech”.

“The Shema is basically a declaration of Faith and Judaism I learned in Temple. “

(11). “If you could get rid of anything on earth what would it be?”

Me: “Crime. People would be a lot richer and happier without crimes.”

(12). “If you could heal anyone, who would it be?”

Me: “I would heal anyone who has cancer.”

(13). “What’s one song that makes you sad?”

Me: “Hello, it’s me”, by Adele.

That’s all folks! I hope the Penny Section will back off a bit knowing I am just as human as they are. At times people are mean because they want to be your friend, they just don’t know how to go about it. So, they create unnecessary theatrics. Cheerio!

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