The Plot to Overtake Minnie

I have been resting and rusting for the fight of my life.

A long time ago I was told by the “Blue Suits” of the republic that I had a far way to go and a short time to get there. It was a reference made for me to clean up my act as the “Playgirl Daughter” because the time was coming where I would have to rise up and fight with all my might.

Mickey’s illness has rocked my world beyond belief. It changes a lot of things and so I have been spending the past few days recalling all the teachings that he instilled in me since day one because the time is coming for me to use the knowledge.

As always, when things go awry, I start researching and turning every stone. I have uncovered that God forbid anything should happen to Mickey, Minnie’s family is planning to take her away from the home she has lived in for more than 40 years.

I know they pretend to love her, and it was all fun and games when the lavish parties were going on and Mickey was supporting her 100%. Make no mistake, her lifestyle was partly due to my maternal family’s legacy. This is the same reason why Minnie’s family clung hard because of the clout they bring.

It is my belief they will be nice to her for a period of time because they believe there is money in dem dere hills, but once they get control, they will treat her shabbily. Why do I think this way?

Over the years when Minnie & Mickey put on shindigs, they also gave presents to every branch of family and their children. Not once would any member even bring her an icy mint. This is why I have been very scrutinizing concerning them.

After raising the subject with my aunts, I noticed towards the latter years one or two members would come with a tiny token of appreciation. However, it took too many years for them to realize what a gracious person she was being by hosting them year after year.

I know my adoptive mother well, even though she thinks I do not. She likes to feel at home in her own habitat. Her family will try to rule, reign and lord it over her and before she knows it, she will have no say in her own life.

Minnie has led too much of a pampered and charmed life for that type of dictatorship living. Mickey foresaw all these events coming down the pike and it may very well be another reason why he wanted me to return to New York. So you see why I am an eyesore and why the principalities want me exterminated.

He knows that if push comes to shove, I will not stand by and allow any of them to push Minnie around. She may not be my biggest fan, but she came through for me on many sticky wicket situations. I hope Mickey lives a long and prosperous life, but I also know that if life goes any other way Minnie will be besieged by vultures and thieves at her back all day every day.

The scavengers will want to minimize Minnie and although she has told me on occasion to let go. I am a Scorpio, and we fight more ferociously than the Fighting Irish. #partlionpartscorpion

This is why the vultures have tried to block me, tamper with my resources and have me side lined. They know I will rise up like a phoenix from the ashes they have strategically placed me in.

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