Get Rid of Her Pronto!

Nowadays you can mill around friends and family and feel as if all is right in your world but beneath the smiles and pleasantries lurks a cold war. As I have stated many times, I barely know my family since once I turned 15 years old my adoptive parents were on a mission to get rid of me.

Since I have returned from Florida, they have found me a bit more interesting since I worked diligently to acquire real estate, cars and a little bit of change. To be quite honest, they never really considered me family since the whole debacle between my birth mother and birth father were always a topic of contention for them.

They would never view me objectively or think anything I did was just random because they much preferred to dislike and hate me just so they can feel as if they are evening the score with my biological father. The truth is they tolerate me because my father has risen to the heights of men such as the late Butch Stewart of the Sandals Corporation, Michael Lee Chin and other well known Jamaicans who run in affluent circles.

I truly believe they think I have a gold mine sitting on and for that reason alone, I have become a person of interest. They really don’t want me around but what if some of that Midas touch that my dad has happens to rub off and me? Oh sure, everyone will find me splendid then while trying to relieve me of my good fortune.

There is not a single hour of the day that someone is not digging and searching up about my past, present and future exploits. It is almost as if I have become an obsession.

It is heartbreaking to view the hypocritical way in which they deal with me when I know I have been 100% genuine with every single one of them. At the end of the day, all I got in return were caustic remarks and venom being spewed and some have the nerve to say “family comes first.” I wonder which family they are talking about since mine are notorious for placing strangers on the family tree that do not belong over me.

Their beef with me is that I have never been close to my birth mother and the only way they feel they can deal with me is through her. I find the whole matter insulting since I am a grown woman. All my “family” has managed to do is confuse me over the years and they do not take any responsibility for their changeability and wishy-washy ways.

One moment I am adopted, the next I am not. Even though all my papers tell me that my adoption was legal. This is the sort of crazy gas lighting I have been dealing with for years. One moment I am favored, the next I am not…Why? Because it all boils down to the flesh.

We all want to believe our families are pious and holier than thou but as my girl cousin A often reminded me everyone is into a “little something something”. I know I am not. Coming back from Florida was a rude awakening for me because it was then I realized that Lady Yobs (My adoptive mother’s niece) and her daughter had taken over.

Whilst in Florida, I heard rumors that my adoptive mother’s grand niece although under age (about 15-16 years old) was allegedly doing unmentionable things such as stripping in hotel rooms) with older men. I also recall upon my return to New York that there was talk over the whole family that she slept in the nude with the window shades open giving the neighbors a grand show. Yet my adoptive mother made a big stink over me walking 3 feet from the bathroom to my bedroom with a huge bath towel wrapped around me.

Oddly enough, what really makes me uneasy is the fact there are so many family members ensconced in my intimate life and I do not know why. I do not discuss my life with any of them but for some reason they are all over my love life like white on rice. To me this is worrisome and very unsettling.

As a Scorpio, I am a very private person. The time when they should have been involved came and went and even then they were very mater of fact about the whole birds and bees caper. So why all the sudden interest now? The fact is I am not loosey-goosey with myself so there is no lascivious attention being raised through me and they love to have that factor going on. It brings the family accolades and monetary rewards.

Since I have warped into a very cautious soul I am not sure who to trust. They do not find me so entertaining anymore and have been plotting ways to end me. But before they actually discontinue my reign, they want to make sure I am cloned so they can still reap rewards just in case my persona comes into something good.

After all, this is why I have been toiling night and day for the past twenty years after returning from FLA. It is a strange environment I have embarked on. Sometimes people are talkative, other times they completely ignore me as if I do not exist. They will go out of their way to treat my nemeses well, while sticking it to me every way they can.

Occasionally, they will do one or two nice things for me just so I will not kvetch and kvelle all day every day. But deep down they act as if dealing with me is a pain-staking chore that is eroding their belly bottoms. My adoptive mother once told me, “Maybe if you show some flesh things will start happening for you.”

I was not raised to make a spectacle out of myself. At this age I have nothing to prove to anyone. I have engaged in my time in the sun being all I could be and now is my time to have my harvest. I have paid the cost to be the boss in my own life. As a young woman I never traded on my feminine whiles and sexual prowess so I do not see why in my middle ages I would try to sell myself short.

My granny Lena used to preach the importance of a woman being virtuous and I believed all the stories she told when one chose to live differently. Unfortunately, some of her relatives, children and grand-children do not want to take heed or have other ideas of which they are trying to impose on me.

Since I am non-compliant, they are thinking of ways to end me. Mind you, I did not return from Florida because I wanted to. My adoptive parents came to me with a spectacular offer, and I was daft enough to fall for their remorseful speeches when it was just another ploy to sock it to me good.

You know, to get even for all the times I stood up for myself and refused to take the shite being doled out to me. For that I am reprehensible and must endure payback over and over again. Even the misery in Les Miserable only lasted 19 years. I am going into over time.

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