Why Are People Being Ended?

Almost every week I feel as if I am being broadsided due to notable persons leaving the earth plane before their time. Truthfully, these partings have been going on since the beginning of the coronavirus. The bizarre fact is I cannot remember a moment in time when I was growing up that such massive exoduses were happening.

The whole morbid matter got me thinking. Deep down I felt that this new world order called for quality control and a panel of elitists who feel that they sit so high above everyone else, they think they have a right to weigh in on who lives and who dies. During the thick of the pandemic I heard rumors about esteemed medical professionals making judgment calls on who got to stay alive and the persons who were sent to meet their maker.

I hoped and prayed it was just a God awful bit of gossip. After watching the past two years unfold, I dare say there are some mischievous hands at work. Not even when I hung out with my granny as a little girl did so many people drop like flies. The straw that broke the camel’s back was the recent death of Lisa Marie Presley.

It was like re-living Elvis Presley’s death all over again. These occurrences come under the wake of me losing a dear friend and soul sister. The developments have kind of left me on the war path of getting to the bottom of these bizarre departures. More importantly, what I have come to realize is that it is mostly Caucasians that are dying and a good percentage are celebrities…So what the Helsinki is going on?

You may think I am completely bonkers but I am getting the sense that these unravelings have to do with Black America’s agenda to get reparation. They have a saying that goes , “There are more ways than one to skin a cat.” Up until now, numerous Black Americans have been raising hell about getting reparations for slavery. Although they have been given platforms to express themselves, it barely seems enough as they want American history dismantled and replaced with their new school of thinking.

This means there are persons who will be rid of their history whether or not they like it or ratify their actions. I am especially inclined to think I am spot on with this theory simply because it was no secret that many blacks were instrumental with regard to Elvis Presley rising to great heights.

At some point there were individuals who suggested that he copied some of their music. I also find it odd that Graceland has declined financially over the years. Lisa Marie Presley died 3 million dollars in debt. It makes me wonder if she was being harassed. Fifty-something year old heiresses don’t just drop dead unless they are under a lot of strain and pressure.

At times we are not dealing with actual smoking guns, but macabre works of a spiritual kind. What I do know is that someone wanted to send a message and by the way she died of a double heart attack and eventually becoming brain dead, they wanted to make certain she did not survive.

I am dumbfounded and mystified simply because she shunned the spotlight most of the time. You rarely heard her caught up in any Hollywood melodrama. So why all the venom? It is the age old story of money, power and retribution. They have been going hard after the Presley family for some time now and it all came to a crescendo when her son Benjamin took his life.

He may have been troubled but there were also forces that drove him to the edge. There are other well-known families in America who have their own tales to tell on account of this whole reparation dilemma. There are several events in history that affected just about every group of people in the world, and yet if we all began backtracking and taking stock it would just delay us from getting on with our lives.

I guess White America is not digging deep enough into their pockets to appease the masses so they are going to dole out their brand of justice. This is a travesty. Instead of Black American folks trying to be divisive through these emotionally, disturbing, historical events, they should take advantage of their new found opportunities and excel to great heights.

Yet my intuition tells me that for them great success is not enough because they may feel the only way they can get true justice is by hitting white folks in their wallets. Some of them want to dismantle Caucasian families in a different way than theirs were destroyed.

Their ideology concerning the whole matter is very sad and I cannot fathom why they would take many families under siege because of centuries old slights…Yet here we are.

I know that my family has been under attack for several years, and I want to say back off because the score was settled when their best and brightest “wanna be suitors” ill treated and mistreated me. I never hurt a fly but somehow I became a casualty of their nasty war that inadvertently involved my ancestors who were do-gooders. It makes me want to scream bollocks because of the duplicity of the whole situation.

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