Talking The Tings Mindfully

In Jamaica, when people dare to venture into zones conversation wise about heavily “scienced” subjects or taboo matters, the elders would normally say, “Talk the tings!” Meaning, speak the truth about the subjects that no one else dares to tackle. In our world today, most folks smile and put up when they know in their hearts that everything is rotten in Denmark.

The fact is that they are not cowards souls, it is just that they feel they will be canceled and ostracized if they emote publicly. For me, it is a weird scenario as my critics canceled me a long time ago without knowing my story. So as I find myself in Coventry trying to make my way back to civilization, I feel the need to rant and rave all day. I want people to understand that some of the things I say comes from spirit or from God who has a message.

You would not believe how persistent or stern God can be at times. He will tell me to do something and if I ignore him, he will say, “Ding dong, I told you to do so and so, and you didn’t! Now do you see what I was trying to say all along.?” God will give you strange directions that do not make sense. If you ignore it, you will eventually see how prophetic his directions were. If you choose to obey he gently reveals the crisis that was averted.

As I mature, I am realizing when God speaks, I obey no matter how hatstand it may seem. Anyhoo, as I was saying our world is filled with sensitives that become annoyed by every little statement or gesture. Before you know it they will have you tarred, feathered and excommunicated.

Lately, there has been a call for the masses to be more mindful about their speech. I find it interesting since when the haters were crucifying my name and assassinating my character no one felt it was unjust. It is now that the tables have been turned and some of us have chosen to be blunt giving back as good as we got, everyone is screaming “Holy hell!”

I have been a blunt one since I was about two years old. I used to tell the helpers how to dress to avert molestation by the rude “bwoys” as they sauntered through town. God only knows where I got my sage advice from. It wasn’t my biological parents as they would be dismayed by my no-nonsense words of wisdom.

If they reprimanded or punished me I would use American expletives which further freaked them out since as a toddler I had not been exposed to American language. For them it was a strange time. They wanted to laugh, but then again they knew I should be punished. I was so force ripe back then that even when I was being punished, I would say, “Forget this inhumane treatment. I am going to play with my dollies.”

I had my own sit-ins and revolts at the time.I was an army of one being all I could be all day every day. Even when my biological father debuted his Colonel image I would have been just the one to pick up the phone and report him to his superior for antagonizing me.

In retrospect, he encouraged me to be an overzealous actress way back then. When my biological mother gave me a difficult time, after a bit, she would get so frustrated and burst out in laughter because of the smart Alec things I would say. Yet, they actually made sense. I get the fact that one should not say mean things to hurt another nor should they bully others.

I know that if being real forces a person to take his/her own life then the remarks were not constructive, they were destructive. I will make observations, divulge conspiracy theories, share my negative experiences, and although they may seem preposterous I would say 98% of the times I am correct. I have tracked myself over the years and this is why at this stage of the game I try to talk the tings.

The fact is I don’t hate anyone. Except my exes, but God is dealing with them so no I don’t care to hate them. I am a person who matches energies. If you like me, I like you. If you are mean to me do not expect me to be nice to you.I spent my early years trying to be diplomatic with everyone and all I managed to accomplish was to find out that in their end game they were going to steam roller over me any way.

So now I tell it like it is. If people like me then I may give them the benefit of the doubt by thinking they could be genuine. If not so be it. I just know that I have taken dreadful criticism from certain groups, particularly Black Americans. At times they never tried to spare me from their caustic remarks.

Ironically, at the time I was their staunch supporter and thought a few were my friends. Sadly, they were not. They were on fact finding missions to put the kibosh on my life. I talk the tings not to hurt anyone, hopefully to bring awareness and change. I am always for peace but some people are for war and getting theirs any way they have to not caring who they hurt or walk all over. To me, that is sad and disgraceful.

At the end of the day, if you do not have morals, principles or integrity, you have nothing. Secretly you are an opportunist and one that lacks substance when you seek to cancel people. places or things for being 100% authentic. These cancelers are the ones living a lie.

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