Disney Forever Tarnished

My grandad used to tell me when I was little to make all sorts of friends from different backgrounds in life. He believed when adversity strikes some of the friends you have in auspicious places are the ones that tend to come through for you. Therefore, during the course of my life I made hoity-toity friends as well as friends who seemed borderline shady and questionable. But, beneath it all they were good people. None of that fake, pretentious facade that we observe today.

My storms in life came and at my lowest peak I found out who my real friends were. More importantly, when I needed wisdom and clues it was the underground friends that gave me the vowels I was looking for. In the past few years, I have been on a fact-finding mission to decipher what happened to my beautiful New York life while I was living in Florida.

Since my return, it seems as if all hell has broken loose, and I am not quite sure why. Recently I had a breakthrough thanks to the men and women in the trenches of life. This is going to be shocking and mind boggling. (Whispering)

I found out that the reasons why Minnie and Mickey (the adoptive parents) have been so guarded and strange is because Lady Yobs (Minnie’s niece) has been up to some shady dealings. If you have been following my blog from the inception, I wrote about Lady Yobs claiming to work from home long before Corona was a thing.

She explained it away that she was working for a mortgage company where she had to call up clients night and day. Man, oh Manischewitz, she made it look so official that I felt like a withering Jacaranda as Minnie and Mickey were so thoroughly impressed with her wave of professional success.

All day every day she had these teenage boys and other persons of interest parading through the house. Her excuse was that she was conducting job interviews. Well, I finally got the scoop on the whole charade. The grapevine has it that she was running an escort service on the web and the whole operation came under suspicion to the point where the authorities intervened calling the matter “corrupt and suspicious activities going on”.

To put it in layman’s term they were suspicious that she was the mastermind of hooking going on, on the worldwide web. So, while Mickey and Minnie were busy working to keep Disney land humming and percolating Lady Yobs was bringing back “Linda Lovelace” in fashion.

At times showing a little flesh to bring some revenue in. This is how she could pretend to be the big spender while I looked as if I were completely hopeless as I tried to get my life re-started after returning. All day long she was inundating Mickey and Minnie with presents and treating them to night-outs, and expensive toys. I wondered where she was getting the money from. Heck, even when I was making a decent salary working, I could only afford to take care of my home and hearth. Here she was acting like Le Grand Madame, and I appeared to be the chipmunk in her world. Go figure.

Since Mickey and Minnie had taken her into the fold and tried to pass her off as me, their daughter, when things went South it was not a happy scene. This is why they sent for me to return from FLA, because disaster was imminent. As a result of Yobsie’s antics they almost lost their house.

You all know how suburbanites are when drama colors their pristine images and neighborhoods. As if those wranglings were not enough, to extricate herself she tried to play it off as if I were the culprit tarnishing the family name. Yes, Minnie and Mickey actually thought that I was pushing the envelope on the seedy side of life while living in Florida. We had been estranged for a while, so they thought anything was possible. You see with her it was a grand operation and she was able to create deceptive mirages which pointed to me.

This is how it worked. Years ago, she began dating this rough neck guy from a shady part of town. The relationship never got off to a good start and it never blossomed into anything meaningful. She could count on him for a chaperone when she needed to go out but that was as committed as things got. She would try to upsell the friendship by stating he was like a father to her daughter. He may have been a father alright but the one associated with ladies of the evening.

From the time her daughter was a teenager this guy was orchestrating meetings for her. He would have her meet older men in hotel rooms to perform strip tease acts. Sure, she would get paid handsomely for the quickie meetings, but it also brought about many elements of danger.

This is how Lady Yobsie’s daughter got connected to her now children’s father. It’s all part of the prostitution ring that stretches from New York City to Orlando Florida to Trinidad and Tobago. They tried their darndest to get me hauled up in the melodrama, but God was good I side stepped the shite show.

When I thought my love relationship had imploded because of something I did or did not do I was so wrong. When I came to New York against the bidding of my paramour, Lady Yobs tracked me and made a contact with my beau to have him take her daughter for a test drive. He was the man that she bragged about going to Indonesia with.

Minnie wanted me and everyone else to believe that it was her current baby’s father. No, it was my beau she went traipsing all over Southeast Asia with. This is why one of my cousin’s nudged me and told me never to bring my love interest around before marriage. She knew they were only too glad to relieve me of him. With them it is not personal it is just business and economics. Regardless of who gets hurt in the process.

Therefore, all the curry favor that has been going on was not naturally earned. It was cajoled, plotted and implemented due to clandestine happenings and monetary gain. This is also the reasons why they tried to have me tarred, feathered, maimed and hurt because I was upsetting the activities of the group.

The battle for me has been real and what makes it so frustrating and worrisome is the fact that so many of my family members were onboard. I was as clueless as a dunce to the harm that was hovering over me and probably still is since they have recently connected with a very nefarious Russian mob group straight out of Prague.

Like my granny would say, “Is only God can help us now.” Stay tuned…..

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