The Article That Brings Hate

A few years aback I wrote an article about the heiress Ali Gertz and her misadventure with a bisexual Studio 54 bartender named Cort Brown. The article was not meant to defame or hurt anyone and was just used as a reference to situations that were going on in my life. Yet those who are part of the LGBTQ Community have taken it personally and given me hell and bacchanal for a few years now.

Here is the thing…The people Magazine issue with Ali Gertz on the cover with the headline that reads: AIDS: A Woman’s Story quotes as follows:

“The night that took away the promise of Ali Gertz’s life was in the summer of 1982, when the disease was little
more than a whisper in New York City. Gertz, a precocious 16­ year­ old, was infatuated with an older man
named Cort Brown, whom she had met a year earlier at Studio 54, the flashy New York City club where he
was a bartender. “He was the most beautiful man I’d ever seen,” says Gertz. “We were like brother and sister
for a year, except that there was a very strong physical attraction. His best friend was gay, but when I asked
Cort if he was gay, he said no.” In retrospect there was another warning sign. At the beginning of the summer,
Cort, 27, had been bedridden with shingles, an opportunistic infection sometimes associated with an impaired
immune response.”

According to this article Cort Brown began exhibiting signs of AIDS/Shingles the summer of 1982. More importantly, why was he sleeping with an under aged girl? Ali Gertz was only 16 years old and he was 27 years old. I am not sure why his faithful followers are so hateful since I have immortalized this gentleman beyond his death.

As I will repeat again, shingles is one of the symptoms of HIV. Cort Brown was recuperating from shingles during the Summer of 1982. Most concerned citizens would not dream of engaging with anyone intimately if they had any kind of skin eruption. In New York, it is illegal to have sex with a young girl under 17 years old.

This woman Laura Humpton has called me an attention seeking scum and I hope God blesses her for eternity. Here is her remark:

“Ali Gertz was infected with HIV in 1982, but she didn’t find out she was HIV positive till 1988, six years later. She died in 1992, by which time the treatment for AIDS had advanced a little since the 1980s. Her disease progression was typical of the disease at that time. Cort Brown died of AIDS in 1988. He couldn’t have had AIDS in 1982, because nobody survived for 6 years with AIDS in 1982. And there was no HIV test in 1982. Therefore, it is PHYSCIALLY IMPOSSIBLE for Cort Brown to know he was HIV positive in 1982. In fact, the HIV virus hadn’t even been discovered in 1982, and nobody knew what was causing AIDS or even exactly what it was.

Your article is defamatory shite, spreading shameful lies about Cort Brown, a dead man who isn’t here to defend himself. The man suffered enough when he died from AIDS. He doesn’t deserve his memory to be tarnished by IGNORANT ATTENTION-SEEKING SCUM like you.”

Acording to the Washington Post, the first AIDS death occurred back in 1969.

Children were dying of AIDS back in 1977 due to mother-child transmissions . Therefore know your facts before spewing hate at me.

Miss Laura Humpton is speaking as a person who has no idea regarding the pathology of diseases. Not because a disease is not raging, does not mean it does not exist.

Since she has pushed the envelope, I will say what the bartender should have done and we would not be re-hashing these matters. Since Ali Gertz was a precocious teen infatuated with him, as an older man and a more responsible person, he should have tried to let her down easy. He should have made every effort to forego any type of sexual contact with her. Either way he was playing Russian Roulette. He was sleeping with a minor and he knew he was not well.

The facts are as follows:

Ali Gertz slept with Cort Brown in the Summer of 1982 (during the time he had shingles)

Cort Brown died in 1988

Ali Gertz died on August 8, 1992

Acording to all sources I have read, Ali Gertz contracted AIDS at 16 years old which was in 1982, the very summer she slept with Cort Brown. The disease may have only been a whisper back then but it was happening. She was one of the unfortunate persons to get the disease.

The individuals who are coming at me because of an article I wrote that is based on plenty of research and published articles on the subject are the ones who are seeking attention. I am curious as to why they are not going after People Magazine instead of seeking me out to harass night and day.

It is sad that these two people died from AIDS. May their memory continue to be a blessing on this earth.

Feel free to read the entire article:

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