The War of Everyday Business

Good day vikings! How are you all enjoying the psycho weather? One day it’s 70 degrees and the next cold and wintry. Even business has taken on a wishy-washy tone just like the weather. Some days people are nice others not so much.

To me, it appears as if Covid-19 has stressed most people out beyond their gourds and it is showing in their work demeanor. Gone are the days when phone representatives were reasonable. Now they just do as they feel and hope for the best which is maybe the customer will never call again.

I find these counterproductive behaviors quite prevalent in the companies who took great financial losses during the pandemic and are now slated to either go out of business or merge with questionable entities. Shepherding a business today is difficult. It not so much the day to day wranglings that are an issue.

Oftentimes it is the vendors. It is like dealing with a whole new branch of the mob. Most days, I find myself warping into a two year old to get things done. You see once you piss off a toddler, he/she does not care and will act as obtuse as he/she possibly can to get the message across that it is either do or die there is no in between. (not in a literal sense of course)

I find the more prickle-like people get, the more I amp up my tenacity. I am convinced that the folks we need to keep our businesses afloat, purposely give us a warm time because they hope we will throw in the towel and give up. A good percentage of the folks we come in contact with on a daily basis are not rooting for us and are only too glad when we fail miserably.

I am always grateful when after all my high drama and histrionics that one person in a company may have the good sense to care about his/her job. This person usually puts an end to the languishing games that make us want to run shrieking. I have always declared that if ever there was a day they came up with an Emmy or an Oscar for the business world and I happened to win one, my speech would go something like this…

First of all I would like to thank the many clergy on the web and on television for preventing me from reaching out and strangling CSRS on the phone. I would also like to thank God for taking me under advisement every single moment of the day. I’d like to thank my antagonizers for calling the SWAT team on me, they actually gave me chaperones to get home safely.

I’d like to thank the many politicians who listen to my tirades of advocacy of how the world should be. The CIA and FBI for keeping my stalkers under control. The DEA for taking a vested interest in the quality air I breathe, ’cause a girl’s gotta look out for her asthma.

Finally, last but not least, a heart felt thank you to New York’s Finest for being on task as I cluelessly peruse the metropolis thinking I am in Shangri-La. The military and national guards for making sure we all take off and land safely on American soil. A special shout out to all the aeropuertos! More importantly, I cannot forget Ms. Dulcimer Peaches Robothom for telling it like it is and all the colorful people. Life would not be the same without y’all. Just knowing that you all exist keeps me normal and rational at the end of the day and in my book that is a good thing..

On any given day when I am warring and sparring with vendors, I usually end up feeling like Daffy Duck who gets clobbered by his adversaries. It is then I regroup, restrategise and then comeback like John Wayne at the Okay Corale. Nonetheless I keep at it until victory is mine. Like my granny used to say, “You cannot let these people get to you. They will ruin, ravage and wreck your life and ultimately think nothing of it.”

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