They Started The Hate

Hello there Vikings hope you all are having an enjoyable and memorable summer. As usual, my life is riddled with petty dramas and ill meaning folks trying to get under my skin. It is strange how in life you could be mindfully going about your business, not gossiping or interfering with anyone, and still people … More They Started The Hate

We Are in Jeopardy!

My family migrated from Jamaica over sixty years ago, choosing America to be their home because it was the land of opportunity. Since we are considered white Jamaicans many left Jamaica because of political unrest and the uprisings of the masses who no longer chose to view themselves as simply Jamaicans but Afro-centric Jamaicans. Once … More We Are in Jeopardy!

Why do some people exude violence, by hurting, maiming and killing?

We are living in an age where some persons will just look at you and decide they do not like you. Being disliked is not a problem but unleashing violence is criminal and un-Godly. New York especially has developed a reputation for individuals being attacked on the subway for no earthly reason. In earlier years … More Why do some people exude violence, by hurting, maiming and killing?