My Strategies For Comfort

Daily writing prompt
What strategies do you use to increase comfort in your daily life?

I chose to follow Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.

Funny random things in life…

Physiological Needs.

Safety Needs

Love & Belonging Needs.

I accept Myself, I Love Myself, and I have others who love, accept and include me.

Esteem Needs.

I work diligently to attain achievement, success and self respect.

Self Actualization Needs.

I love myself so I accept myself. I protect myself through privacy or whatever means available to me. I enjoy my solitude and encourage myself to be responsible and realistic. My independence prompts me to be open and spontaneous. I find ways to enjoy the journey of life and not the destination.

Meeting basic needs affects one’s behavior. When those needs are not met we feel discomfort and out of sync with life and living.

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