Why do some people exude violence, by hurting, maiming and killing?

We are living in an age where some persons will just look at you and decide they do not like you. Being disliked is not a problem but unleashing violence is criminal and un-Godly. New York especially has developed a reputation for individuals being attacked on the subway for no earthly reason.

In earlier years women felt like endangered species as they were subjects to “feel-ups” and unsolicited touching. This behavior has not changed. Now they are adding random violent acts to people’s commute. This act of meanness is defaming the city and creating unnecessary health problems that never existed in people’s lives.

Interracial couples felt vulnerable as they navigated the city because some people decided to make their relationship about racial preference instead of love.

It is almost as if some demonic principality or group wants to create a society of handicapped persons to reign and rule over. Some of the violent acts are done out of jealousy, envy and covetousness. If you believe in a higher power at all, you will know that another person’s prosperity is not your demise.

God can and will do for you what he has done for everyone else. There is no need to add violence to the mix. If you are persistent and tenacious your day will come.

No one benefits from violence and hate. We all pay for the consequences one way or the other.

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