We Are in Jeopardy!

My family migrated from Jamaica over sixty years ago, choosing America to be their home because it was the land of opportunity. Since we are considered white Jamaicans many left Jamaica because of political unrest and the uprisings of the masses who no longer chose to view themselves as simply Jamaicans but Afro-centric Jamaicans.

Once that mindset began to set in, there was only drama and negative excitement brewing. A result which caused many Jamaicans who were of European background to flee the country. Since it was no longer safe. Oddly enough, it were the people my family helped along the way who began rabble rousing and carrying on about anti-government and what they were not getting.

As I may have mentioned before, in those days my family was considered “The Government”. So much has happened through the years that I no longer believe that persons in my family just upped and died. I am inclined to think there was foul play all along the way.

I have found that no matter how good you are to folks it never seems to be enough in the long run and many are ingrates. Fast forward several years later, I have witnessed my family performing their philanthropic ways and it has turned out to be nothing but an albatross around their necks.

The more they tried to assist the masses, the more they harassed, and stole from them. The individuals they were generous with turned out to be their worst diabolical enemies. All along, I was a quiet observer not saying a word or casting judgment. I am not one to spread gossip or disperse harsh judgments.

Yet, I find myself in a flurry of horrible circumstances where I am witnessing my family being taken advantage of through stealing, defacing and attempted murder.

I previously wrote about Disneyland not being as safe and peaceful as everyone thinks. On a nightly basis my adoptive parents take turns watching through the night because on several occasions power tools were heard on the outside of the house.

Apparently persons were trying to gain entry through the garage door. They were also tinkering with the locks on the front door. Now, Mickey and Minnie are senior citizens for all intense purposes. Although Mickey has retired, he is still recuperating from a serious illness and needs his rest at night.

Minnie on the other hand is not retired and she has to get up at the crack of dawn to go to work. So, imagine being up all night watching and waiting and then going to work on only a couple hours of sleep. After a while it begins to take a toll on the body.

Up until this point they have been able to elude the burglars with all sorts of electronic contraptions. The fact of the matter is they should not have to deal with this type of bullying and harassment. It is the reason why I had to retreat to the far end of Long Island in a completely obscure town because these vagabonds were also vying for me.

Lately, I am not so sure that anywhere is safe as my identity is being stolen in bits and pieces. Persons have been tampering with the mail. The other day all the screws on the doors were lose as if someone was trying to gain entry into my abode.

I am not sure what type of grouse these people have against mi familia. As far as I know we have done nothing except try to be philanthropical and in the end it became a never ending pit of giving with no positive rewards or gratitude.

In life, you don’t give to get. However you certainly think that folks will be more amenable, and thankful. Instead all that is conjured up is hatred, hostility and animosity. Things have become progressively worse as some black folks are constantly angry about reparations from slavery which occurred over 125 years ago.

Despite the strides Blacks have made it does no seem to be enough and so a good percentage have chosen to be hateful all day every day. They view foreigners as competition when the opportunities that foreigners have grasped were here waiting for them all along. Except it did not seem lucrative until foreigners seized the opportunities and maximized their potential.

The sad part is they are also enlisting other minority foreigners to join in on their band of hatred. Thus creating a stealing, harassing, bullying, group of wrong doers. At first, their pranks seemed harmless. Their antics have escalated to perilous as they are attacking decent citizens on the roads, in their homes, at work and even at play.

When they are not causing physical harm, they are stealing worldly goods and possessions, and are being unapologetic about it. This is not the America I knew as a child visiting in the seventies. I knew an America that had its fair share of issues but for the most part people were kind and willing to work for what they wanted in life.

In modern day society, they are taking what is not theirs from others who have toiled their whole lives to make their dreams come true.

We may have come to their country and settled, but we did not come empty handed. We have been ardent contributors to the capitalism of this country. As citizens of America we should be able to live in peace and quiet contentment.

The general theme today is that there is not enough for everyone. Therefore, some Black folks are going to unleash their thuggery to capture others’ properties that their delusions of grandeur have made them assume is rightfully theirs when they have not done the work.

In 2 Thessolonians 3:10-12 God says, ” Those not willing to put in the work do not deserve the reward at the end of the journey.”

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