The Economy is Not Okay

We have all been traveling on the double Dutch bus in complete delusion simply because our politicians have been telling us the economy is doing great. Therefore, we cluelessly carry on with our lives as if everything is swell and dandy when it is not.

The reason why the economy may appear fine is because most people gave up on looking for jobs and started their own businesses. Some moved away to other areas of the country to find better opportunities thus rearranging statistics to make it seem as if we are in the throes of progress, yet we are not.

The only thing that has been accomplished by this presidency thus far is aging awareness. Other than that we are becoming a nation behind the eight ball socially, economically, business wise, and in matters of education.

The biggest farce that the government has tried to sell is the fact that the job market is booming and that the economy is on an upswing. The reality is that major long-standing companies have gone out of business, and there aren’t any decent, viable jobs out there.

All that is happening is the introduction of nefarious characters who are creating dummy positions to lure people into sales which at times turn out to be drug sales or peddling of the flesh. Companies that hang shingles and pretend to be copasetic are nothing more than a front to rob, steal, and maim innocent persons who are just trying to make a buck.

The real innocents at times end up pregnant because while in the course of their pseudo employment the lights go out and they are bumped by “something” in the dark. Hence, creating a whole lot of single baby mothers who have no clue what happened to them.

It often ends up being the age old premise of breeding and multiplying. After all, baby’s bring loads of money to the economy since they need formula and pampers constantly. Right now even the most menial of jobs require one to have internet service so he/she may apply on line. Why is this?

Because today’s employers are practicing a different type of exclusion and racism. They are omitting people from jobs due to their demographics, race and creed. One way to do it covertly is through the world wide web where they are able to determine what race a person is before hand, where he/she lives or their background even before he/she has their first interview.

Oftentimes companies will ask for your Linked in profile not because they want to view your professional accolades but because they want to eliminate anyone they believe to be ethnically undesirable.

In case you may not be aware, the following companies have gone bankrupt since “the wonderful democrats” have taken over and created their “ever flourishing economy” :

Bed Bath & Beyond

David’s Bridal


Tuesday Morning

Dollar Stores

Sears Hometown


ABC Home & Carpet



Century 21


New York & Company

Sur La Table

Brooks Brothers

Lucky Brand

These are just a few of the companies that were part of the American diaspora that somehow helped people to save money or buy quality products at economical prices. Sadly, the retail stores are being replaced with garish counterparts that offer inferior products at astronomical prices which is further driving citizens into bankruptcy mode.

The idea behind many of these companies is that when people buy sub par products and they fall apart quickly, they will keep buying. This is a paltry attempt at job security and market control. The truth is these newbie companies that have been ordained by the nouveau riche of society are not interested in the people and their financial situation.

They do not open up shop for the good of their wallets. They are present to make a profit via “highway robbery” and then close up shop when they believe they have hoodwinked the people long enough.

We are in an era where nothing but magical tricks are being played upon us and by the time we realize what is going on our lives would have imploded and there is no quick fix. Why? Because almost all areas of industry and business are designed to make the people feel frustrated, cheated out of their money, and hopeless because the jobs being offered are flim-flam scams.

Folks cannot base real life on the flimsy companies that have been designated to replace well established institutions. Hence most persons becoming gig workers, freelancers and remote personnel. The work force ain’t what it used to be.

There was a news report recently that talked about Americans becoming a nation of early birds because they are choosing to have supper at 5:00 p.m. instead of between 7:30 and 8:00 p.m. Many call it quits and retire to bed by 9:00 p.m.

They tried to polish off the news piece by exclaiming that it is because more citizens are engaging in entreprenurial pursuits since they have more free time and autonomy to dine earlier. The truth is we are becoming a country of depressed and melancholy persons because everyone is realizing that the American Dream is non existent.

As an entrepreneur you work yourself to the bone to make a dollar and at the end of the day, one is barely clearing his/her expenses. The way the current economy is being designed is to make sure we all fall in line with a socialist government.

This is not the America our grandparents knew. We are being tricked into accepting inferior everything and basically it is a set up for the socialist regime they are planning to unleash on the people. As a disconsolate and anxiety ridden society, we need to find it within ourselves to rise up and hold the President, and the government accountable for not being transparent while creating a financial mirage that offers no hope for the future.

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