Women Being Mindful At Work

As women most of the times we are just so happy to get an opportunity to make our own money that we seldom think of the dangers or ramifications of working for certain employers. When deciding on a job we must determine if the company and all the players associated are spiritually sound.

If not, a rocky time is sure to follow since your work days will eventually prove that we unequally yoked with some people. As women in the workforce, we constantly have to be mindful of the dangers that lurk. Many times we are purposely selected for jobs for clandestine reasons.

I have always been leery when any office job suddenly becomes busy with strange visitors from foreign entities, or there is a flurry of construction activity all of a sudden. In some instances, several of the pathways will be blocked specifically for plotting of ambushes or other illicit reasons.

It has been my experince to heed the call of my intuition instead of throwing caution to the wind. we tend to get carried away by the fact that we are working for a supposedly well established company. At times we rarely know who their associates are or who they are “in bed with”.

A good percentage of the time the companies are funded by blood money or dirty money. The bottom line is that women of today must be careful when they go to work. They must take all precautionary measures to protect themselves.

Currently, human trafficking is at an all time high and don’t think that because you are a woman of a certain age they will not try to abscond away with you. In the world of human trafficking one woman can bring in billions of dollars whether or not she is young or old.

Do not get complacent by thinking just because you work for a big named company that acts of chicanery are not going on. Those are the companies these lecherous foreign entities seek out because no one would ever suspect a grand name being involved in such treacherous acts.

If you feel something is not quite right, or sudden changes of staff occur in an instant, honor your intuition by acting swiftly and accordingly. If there is just a little too much confusion and activity more than “normal” take that as a warning and protect yourself by any means necessary.

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