They Started The Hate

Hello there Vikings hope you all are having an enjoyable and memorable summer. As usual, my life is riddled with petty dramas and ill meaning folks trying to get under my skin. It is strange how in life you could be mindfully going about your business, not gossiping or interfering with anyone, and still people vie for you with their sinister hatred.

This summer has been inundated with folks being thorny, bothersome and bewildering. Anyone who truly knows me well, will attest to the fact that I am not a prejudiced person. as long as you are cool with me, I am cool with you.

I am always trying to help people. Sadly, while I thought I was doing good the very persons I was helping were secretly hating on me day and night.

I have been told by numerous entities that Black Americans have it in for me in a big way. I have done nothing to these persons. Since I have returned from Florida, I have been ensconced into one nightmare after the other because these folks and their cohorts are secretly obsessed with me.

They have been stealing my mail non-stop as if they are entitled to do so. The bible says, Do unto others as you would like done unto you”. For that very reason I try to deal with people honorably even if I believe they are not the most trustworthy persons.

As aggressive and bold as some folks may think I am, I am not one to mess with others things or to cause mischief by absconding with their mail. Although I have made several complaints nothing is done about it. These persons continue to steal from me without any conscience or morals.

In Florida, they created bogus incidencies to steal thousandths of dollars from me through insurance scams and plots. These “newbie” black folks that exist today are preying upon me and I am not quite sure why.

We do not share the same DNA nor do we have any kinfolk in common. Yet on a regular basis, they are doing everything and anything just to meddle in my affairs. My family tries to make me believe that Florida was horrible because they were playing bumper cars with me.

New York which is supposed to be a melting pot is filled with blacks spewing their hateful venom towards me. When they are not spreading salacious gossip about me, they act rude, crude and bothersome. Whenever I go to any retail establishment to get business taken care of they go out of their way to give me a difficult time.

They will say, “The registers are not working….” Just because they do not want to process my order. If the money is not being spent on them then they would rather see me not get what I want. Even when I have waited patiently on a long line like every one else.

When I finally get up to the cash register they either decide it is break time or create a major diversion so they do not have to deal with me. Any position that gives them a little authority, they will try to misuse it against me thus fowling up my personal and business matters.

Recently I found out that the bad behavior, surly attitudes and theft of things is due to the fact they are trying to steal my identity..Since they believe that this bitch Barbie has everything. What a crock! Since returning from Florida my life has been a triple nightmare.

They have blacklisted me, blocked me, stonewalled me, been bullies and harassers to me while I have done absolutely nothing to them. However their nitpicking and pestiferous ways have made me develop a deep disliking to their mannerisms.

Especially since they are stealing from me left and right. They see a tan and assume I am one of them when I am not. As I have stated before, their real obsession with me began when my adoptive parents brought Minnie’s niece and grand niece into the fold.

Ever since that fate-filled day these folks are swarming all over my business like flies to raw meat. The energy that these two girls bring is unfathomable. My adoptive parents do not see how having them that closely associated to my biological family is ruining my life.

Currently I am in jeopardy because these persons are trying to steal my identity. We now live in a day and age where cloning is possible and so with some of my pertinent documents being stolen these events have placed me in a very precarious situation.

During my life, I have never made myself a bother to any of them. I have never stolen anything from any of them. If anything, I have tried to make lives better. Yet here I am literally fighting for my right to survive because people are stealing my personal and confidential mail as well as property.

My complaints makes everyone think that I am being too harsh. Some think I should not get upset yet they are not walking in my shoes where I am inconvenienced on a regular basis. These perilous unravelings are not quite alright and creates great concern for my safety.

I was never taught to hate. If you were in my shoes and experiencing heinous drama all day every day you too would realize how steep and deep their hatred for me goes. It has gotten to the point where I feel the same way about them, the way they feel about me.

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