A Father’s Dilemma

Things are never what they seem.

In my family I have seen my cousin’s parents pour on the “financial heinz” upon them only for them to turn around and act like ungrateful wretches. As a result, Mickey & Minnie (the adoptive parents) have developed a severe attitude towards me.

They believe I will have a cut-throat attitude like my cousins where I will take all the spoils and ill treat them at a later date. As a result, they have placed me on one of the tightest leashes possible. The fact is all their tactics are unnecessary because I am nothing like my cousins.

Although I love money, I am not willing to create mutiny to get my hands on it. I have worked most of my life so deluding my family to get my hands on it is declasse’ as far as I am concerned. I wrote before in my blog about my Uncle Fester who paid for both his daughters’ weddings. Yet once the ink was dry on their marriage certificate, they gave him his “carbon copy” (told him off) at the reception.

When his second daughter got married, she put on a grand performance by asking him to give her back the keys to the house he paid for. The house that her and her hubby would live in. My aunts and I had traveled to attend the wedding. They flew in from New York and I drove from Tampa to Miami for the wedding.

We made reservations to spend the night at a nearby hotel. Therefore, once their grand show of telling him off was over we retreated to our hotel rooms. The thing is he summoned us to stay up with him all night as he commiserated about the upsetting events. He could not believe that after all the money he spent on his children that they would treat him so shabbily publicly.

Oddly, that is how it was in my family. The ones who were muy terrible got EVERYTHING and the ones who were genuinely kind and nice often seem to get shafted royally. You all have been privy to me gushing about my sister’s wedding, yet I have found out that beneath all the gossamer and gaiety was major drama unfolding.

From what I gather not soon after the nuptials ended my father was given a shocking dressing down for all the transgressions he committed over the years. Apparently, my sisters have been carrying some grouse for the way he treated their mother and the fact that I cropped up in their lives.

My middle sister being the chief rabble-rouser of the conflict. She has made no qualms of showing how much she hates my father and over the years has enlisted my younger sister to do the same. My father has not said a word to me about it, but the Jamaican grapevine has been brimming with gossip about the developments and it ain’t pretty.

My dad has been devastated since he spent a good deal of his fortune on those girls and in the end game, they are ungrateful, manipulative and treacherous. They are my sisters, but they have been vying for him ever since I came into the picture.

My father put his heart and soul into the planning of my little sister’s wedding and in the end, he was snubbed and treated poorly. I cannot say I am surprised since he often gave them plenty of leeway to be dismissive with everyone else. Now they are practicing what he taught them on him.

I was raised to respect my elders and relatives no matter how I feel deep down, therefore no matter how upset I am with my cousins you will find me greeting them cordially as if all is great. I never got the luxury of discounting or snubbing my relations because I felt like it.

I could choose not to be all buddy-buddy, but I did not get the opportunity of displaying showdowns or to be purposefully dismissive to anyone. Appearances were kept up and we displayed a united front. I have a feeling that my sisters do not know about this kind of protocol in the Euro-Jamaican life. They quite enjoy making my biological father feel small. In essence he has created little monsters that are giving him their version of hell every chance they get.

When they give him hell, I get the most indifferent, heartless, cruel side of him when I have done nothing but been the loyal daughter that he chooses to treat disdainfully to appease them. They are insecure. I love my sisters, but I know they are ruthless, cold and self-serving. My dad feels this is the “winning way” but it is not.

They are being led astray by some of his most diabolical enemies and if he does not take the situation in hand it will culminate in severe consequences. It is often peoples’ pets that do them in. I hope my father gets a clue before it is too late.

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