The Grace of God

Most of my friends have thought me strange over the years simply because I have no hang ups on complimenting another woman if she is pretty or beautiful. I never look at attractive women as competition.

If anything, they motivate me to step up my game and do better. I know some warped people will translate my admiration of other good looking women as latent lesbian tendencies, but I can assure you I am strictly heterosexual all the way.

On occasion, as I mill about town I have God wink experiences that cause me to pause and think. The other day as I was going about my daily activities I happened to bump into an older woman literally. Usually it is not a major event but when I looked up at her the first thing I thought was “What a beautiful face.”

She may have been senior in years but her silver fox hair worked for her and her build was that of Sophia Loren. One of thing I often look for in older women is the level of contentment on their faces. It usually tells me if they had a good life or endured many trials and tribulations. This woman’s face said she lived, went through a few trying moments, but all things considered, she had lead a remarkable and quite an extraordinary life.

For me it was sort of a bitter sweet moment since although I may have been a few years younger than her, my agility issues were shining brighter than a diamond. She was as chipper as an athlete. I could not help but feel there was a sense of familiarity as if we had met in another life before.

Then I thought, “What a blessing it is to age gracefully. God’s grace makes us lucky and even though we may encounter adversities in life his mercy will make us only reflect the good times.”

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