Full of It

Any parent who has a Scorpio child will know that Scorpio children are unlike any other sign. They are intuitive, entrepreneurial and fiercely independent from very early on in life. They like to do things for themselves. Therefore, you will rarely find them attached to their parents.

If you have been following my blogs you would have read about the incredibly difficult relationship I have endured with my adoptive parents. As a young toddler they claimed they wanted me so bad, yet when they got me after fighting off my biological parents, they refused to treat me properly.

As a result, I went off on my own to make a life for myself. Due to their lack of effort and taking an active role in my life onlookers sensed there was something missing in me and began questioning EVERYTHING about me.

It was not until I had a near fatal injury that they began acting like responsible persons showing some sort of interest in my life and well-being. In previous posts, I also wrote about my misadventures with my cars. People either tried to wreck them for me or steal them from me.

For me, my autos allowed me to get around since I have a 46% disability. Therefore, I decided to start all over again from scratch. On occasion, I have consulted with my adoptive father for a car loan or at the very least to get me a good deal on a vehicle.

For some reason he has been ambivalent to do so. He and my adoptive mother always moan and groan how they are maxed out as far as bills are concerned. Yet they find money to buy 2024 cars for her nieces and nephews and to send her great grandnieces and grandnephews on lavish vacations to Disney Land and Disney World.

Heck, I am supposed to be their only adopted child and they have never taken me to Disney Land, Disney World or treated me to anything close to fun and frolic. All the trips I have encountered in my life were compliments of my own pocketbook.

They try to make people believe that it is because I had a few fender benders. This is not the reason as they fully well know that I was being preyed upon, hunted and stalked by some of their charges who found me to be a threat. Me being around meant less for them.

Also, the fact that my adoptive mother’s niece tuned over her Omni car on the highway several years ago totaling the vehicle. She also hit someone’s car in a parking lot and tried to make a back door deal with them that backfired causing my adoptive parents to run to her rescue. Minnie’s (the adoptive mother) nephew practically demolished the whole front porch of the house reversing. So, they are not exactly perfect drivers.

Both Mickey and Minnie used my vehicles whenever they wanted to. I could never use any of their vehicles, yet they have reservations assisting me to replace the vehicle that was stolen from me. It saddens me to acknowledge that my adoptive parents aren’t fair.

My current physical condition has taken a drastic turn, and they are not even moved to participate in a call of action. I find Mickey’s stance rather hypocritical as he often bragged to all my cousins that no matter what he would always replace the things I lose, again and again. Well, now would be the time to step up and make good on those promises.

My adoptive parents frustrate me because they are constantly in other people’s businesses and helping other people’s children except the one, they signed up for. I have rarely asked them for anything in my life since I am very independent.

Now that my physical condition is deteriorating, they cannot even take a hint. Or they are purposely choosing not to because they know when I am mobile, I get a lot accomplished, and they would rather control me by having me immobile. Their inability to assist me is all about power and complete control. My adoptive parents are full of it, and it hurts me to the core of my heart.

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