
There are not too many cuisines in the world that makes me go wow! I think in most cultures I may find one or two dishes of interest. However, I usually judge food by the “wanting seconds” factor. you know, some meals are great, and you are satisfied with nominal portions. Yet when it comes … More Deliziosa!

The Modern Snobbery

Unbeknownst to me, as I connect the dots I have horrifyingly uncovered the fact that my life is right out of a scene of “Pride & Prejudice”. Many of my lamentations are due to my dalliance with a beau who believed he is a direct descendant off The Mayflower boat. (delusional of course) When I … More The Modern Snobbery

The Lovely

I once saw a quote that said, “If you see something lovely about a place, person or thing, let them know.” Most of my old, school friends believe I kvetch from sun up to sundown like a little, old Jewish lady. My parents at times will tease me about how I can carry on like … More The Lovely

Our Peculiar Times

Lately there is so much being said about politics, budgets and agendas that people are reeling from all the opinions. However, one major outcome that has been flittering through my thoughts is the fact that President Joe Biden allocated billions of dollars to fund the transgender community in the 2024 budget. The funds are supposed … More Our Peculiar Times

Full of It

Any parent who has a Scorpio child will know that Scorpio children are unlike any other sign. They are intuitive, entrepreneurial and fiercely independent from very early on in life. They like to do things for themselves. Therefore, you will rarely find them attached to their parents. If you have been following my blogs you … More Full of It

The Grace of God

Most of my friends have thought me strange over the years simply because I have no hang ups on complimenting another woman if she is pretty or beautiful. I never look at attractive women as competition. If anything, they motivate me to step up my game and do better. I know some warped people will … More The Grace of God